Discover Inalco's civilization diplomas: registration deadline September 3

Inalco offers three diplomas de civilisation (DC): the Diplôme de civilisation de l'Europe médiane, the Diplôme de civilisation de l'Asie du Sud et Himalaya and the Diplôme de civilisation de l'Océanie.
These establishment diplomas are aimed at people wishing to acquire in-depth knowledge of these countries and their cultures without committing to language learning. Courses are taught in French, with no foreign language prerequisites.
They are one-year courses. At the end of the course, it is possible to choose the study of a language and keep the civilization ECTS acquired.
Registrations until September 3, 2023.
Find the admission procedure on the page Register at Inalco.
Diploma in Medieval European Civilization
The diploma in Medieval European Civilization provides in-depth knowledge of the civilization of Medieval Europe.
Globalization has reinforced the feeling that the world is now familiar. Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, the part of Europe stretching from the Baltic to the Aegean and between the Germanic and Russian worlds remains little-known. Yet there is a growing need to deepen links within the European Union and with its immediate environment.
A one-year course, six pathways, a choice from 90 different courses, to complement a main course of study or a professional activity.
Graduation requires validation of ten courses (5 courses per semester, or 7.5 h of classes per week) freely chosen from six pathways: Baltic Europe, Central Europe, Balkan Europe, Geography and Societies, History, Literatures and Cultures.
A student who has already obtained the degree in a given pathway has the option of re-enrolling by choosing a different pathway.
Europe Department
South Asian and Himalayan Civilization Diploma
The South Asian and Himalayan Civilization Diploma provides in-depth knowledge of South Asia in various disciplines: history, geography, economics, anthropology, ethnology, literature and art history. Each brings its own keys to understanding the region's complex societies. Some courses cover the whole of South Asia, while others deal with specific countries or linguistic areas.
The courses offered in the civilization diploma are for the most part 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate courses. They can complement disciplinary training acquired elsewhere (in history, geography or anthropology, for example) and/or provide a first multidisciplinary approach to this region as a whole. They are also aimed at people wishing to acquire knowledge of South Asia in order to work there or accompany people from there to France. They can also complement the knowledge of those who already master a South Asian language.
At the end of one year, it is possible to choose to study one language and keep the civilization ECTS acquired.
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South Asia Himalaya Department
Oceania Civilization Diploma
Inalco's Oceania Civilization Diploma is aimed at those wishing to acquire in-depth knowledge of the civilization and cultures of Oceania, a vast archipelago stretching from Hawaii in the north, to Rapa Nui in the east, New Zealand in the south and Papua New Guinea in the west.
The teaching offered varies from general education about the region to local or thematic approaches. The aim is also to provide keys to understanding contemporary issues in Oceania, by placing them in the context of local cultures and the long term.
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Southeast Asia and Pacific Department