Diplôme Intensive d'Arabe: submit your application by June 30, 2024

Intensive Diploma in Arabic
The Intensive Diploma in Arabic offers you advanced training in modern Arabic, the language of the media, the press and contemporary literature, in a one-year apprenticeship. The course also aims to develop competence in the use of computer resources and the Internet, in the Arabic language. The intensive year also includes learning a Maghrebian or Middle Eastern dialect. The intensive diploma provides a knowledge of civilization (human geography and history of the contemporary Arab world and Middle East).
The course is a one-year course divided into two 13-week semesters (September to June). It comprises almost 22h of weekly classes:
- 12h of literal Arabic
- In the first semester, the entire grammatical and lexical program of the introductory year is assimilated, and in the second semester that of the first year of the Arabic bachelor's degree (L1). The Arabic method used in the 1st semester of the intensive diploma is as follows: Luc-Willy Deheuvels, Méthode d'arabe - arabe littéral - volume 1, CECRL levels A1 and A2, L'Asiathèque, Paris, 2022. Volume 2, level B1-B2 is used in the 2nd semester.
- Between 2h30 and 4h of dialect per week of your choice (Egyptian, Syrian-Lebanese, Tunisian, Moroccan, Algerian)
- 3h of history of the contemporary Arab world and Middle East
- 1h30 of geography and anthropology of the Maghreb and Middle East
- 1h30 of modern Arabic literature
In civilization and dialect, you will follow the same courses as L1 students.
Students holding the Intensive Diploma in Arabic can enroll by right in the second year of the Bachelor of Arabic LLCER, with equivalence of the first year. In the course of the year, it is possible if necessary to request a reorientation to the introductory diploma.
You are a beginner in Arabic, but by the start of the course you must have acquired a perfect command of the alphabet and the grammatical content (patterns and conjugation) listed in the lesson "Repères de 1 à 8" of the method cited above.
Arabic language beginners can master the prerequisite by registering now for the InalcoMOOC in Arabic language.
Registration procedures
The intensive diploma is very demanding, the only possible regime is that of full continuous assessment, with attendance required. The workload is estimated at between 50 and 60 hours per week, including face-to-face classes. It is exclusive of any other study or occupation during the year.
Admission to the intensive diploma in Arabic is by application, possibly with an interview. The number of places is limited.
To apply, send to arabeintensif@inalco.fr between February 26 and June 30, 2024 in a single PDF file and in this order
- a detailed CV, with all results since the baccalaureate, in digital format, including email address and telephone number;
- a covering letter.
Admissions committees meet between March and July 1 (and at the end of August/beginning of September in case of remaining places).
ARABE LITTERAL - Plaquette diplôme intensif (254.54 KB, .pdf)