Diploma in South Asian and Himalayan Civilization

The diploma in South Asian and Himalayan civilization is a one-year course.
It is aimed at people who wish to acquire a sound knowledge of the countries of South Asia and their culture, and have this knowledge recognized by a university degree, without committing themselves to learning a language of this region. Courses are taught in French and do not presuppose foreign language skills.
Several South Asian languages have been taught at the École des Langues Orientales (now Inalco) since the 19th century: Hindi, Urdu and Tamil. Courses on Indian civilization have been taught there since that time. Gradually, the teaching of civilization has been strengthened and is now divided into various disciplines: history, geography, economics, anthropology, ethnology, literature, art history. Each brings its own keys to understanding the region's complex societies. Some courses cover the whole of South Asia, while others focus on specific countries or linguistic areas.
In France, there are very few university courses on South Asia and Tibet. In this respect, Inalco is a unique training ground, where courses are always taught by specialists in the region. Their courses are tailored to a wide audience, with varying degrees of familiarity with South Asia, and are informed by their in-depth, regular field experience and knowledge of contemporary situations. The teaching is practical and lively, encouraging students to share their knowledge, as they are often themselves familiar with the field of study.
The courses offered in the civilization diploma are for the most part 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate courses. With no language prerequisites, they can be chosen to complement disciplinary training acquired elsewhere (in history, geography or anthropology, for example). They can also provide an initial multidisciplinary approach to the region as a whole. They are also aimed at people wishing to acquire knowledge of South Asia in order to work there or accompany people from there to France. Finally, they can complement the knowledge of those who already master a South Asian language. At the end of the year, students can choose to study another language and keep the civilization ECTS they have acquired.
Consult the course brochure on this page. (heading: Enseignements de civilisation et diplôme de civilisation)
Find the admission procedure on the Register at Inalco page.
Contact: anne.viguier@inalco.fr
More information on South Asia Himalaya Department