Diploma in Oceania civilization

The diploma in Oceania civilization at Inalco is aimed at people wishing to acquire in-depth knowledge of the civilization and cultures of Oceania, a vast archipelagic area stretching from Hawaii in the north, to Rapa Nui in the east, New Zealand in the south and Papua New Guinea in the west. The courses, taught in French, impart knowledge recognized by a university diploma.
L'Inalco is one of the few places in France and Europe to offer courses in Pacific languages (drehu, tahitien, bislama) and to offer courses in various disciplines of the human and social sciences (history, anthropology, literature, history of the arts and technology). In this respect, Inalco is a unique training ground, where courses are taught by specialists in the region who are keen to adapt to a very wide audience, whether or not they are familiar with Oceania. The teaching is lively, encouraging the sharing of knowledge between students, some of whom may be Oceanian or have experience of living in Oceania for some time.
The teaching offered varies from general teaching on the region to local or thematic approaches. The aim is also to provide keys to understanding contemporary issues in Oceania by placing them in the context of local cultures and the long term.
The courses offered in the Civilization Diploma are 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate courses, with no language prerequisites. The DC can be used to complement disciplinary training acquired elsewhere (in history, geography or anthropology, for example), or as a first multidisciplinary approach to this region as a whole. The number of hours spent on this course means that it can be taken in parallel with another course of study or professional activity. In principle, the diploma is obtained in one year, but course completion can be spread over several years if required. Afterwards, it is possible to choose to study a language and keep the civilization ECTS acquired.
More information at ASEP Department
How to enroll?
Find the admission procedure and registration dates on the Register at Inalco page, in the Admission section, then Diplôme d'établissement (DLC, DC, DL, CILO).