Digital Humanities afternoons

On November 29, 2021, the first edition of the Digital Humanities afternoons was held at Inalco's Maison de la Recherche.
The afternoon's objective was to present the LaCAS: Open Archive in Language and Cultural Area Studies platform.
The enthusiasm of the participants testifies to a dense program. The afternoon began with a presentation on the progress of research mapping launched thanks to the d-PaRSAS project in 2020 and continued with very rich interventions on the Digitization of Archives for Area studies-D-SAAS program and the presentation of the first Asian collections :
- the iconographic and audio-visual holdings of Dinh Trong Hieu, ethno-botanist (Vietnam: 460 books, 272 slides, 218 negatives);
- the photographic holdings of Pacific War memorial sites by Mickael Lucken, art historian (Japan: 2,000 photographs);
- the Siamese section's digitized resource library: writings and archives of Gilles Delouche (Thailand: 52 publications);
- the presentation of the archives of Daniel Negers, Telugu specialist, illustrated by extracts from his videos on the goddess Sattemma, recently put online (India, 1985-1990/2000-2005).
This was followed by a discussion of the portraits grand-format de chercheurs.e.s en études aréales (PEA program), implemented at Inalco over a year ago: excerpts from three interviews were broadcast. Find the full portraits on HAL.
The team working on the illustration and audiovisual documentation of areal studies and research themes (I-DEA) was also able to broadcast extracts from itsfilmed interviews (at the PLC or in the form of micro-trottoirs).
Finally, an update was given on the restitution process for Inalco's scientific events, the HAL repository and the integration of videos on LaCAS.
This first edition ended with a presentation of the 2022 outlook by M. Stockinger, vice-president of the Scientific Council.
The next edition of the Digital Humanities afternoons will take place on Monday March 14, 2022, at 3:30 pm, in the Auditorium of Inalco's Maison de la Recherche, 2 rue de Lille (Paris 7e).