#DesClicsUnDéclic: take the reins of campus life at Inalco
Campus life

The #DesClicsUnDéclic survey
Provoke a click in just a few clicks. That's the aim of this survey, which kicks off the participative process of drawing up the schéma directeur de la vie étudiante (SDVE). For the next five years, this plan will set out the strategic directions and actions to be taken for student life at Inalco. Your opinion counts and your ideas will enrich the reflection on the various themes of student life (sport, culture, health, community life, etc.). So please take 25 minutes to complete the entire questionnaire.
If you would like to become even more involved in the reflection and political choices concerning student life, please let us know at the end of the questionnaire, by identifying yourself. You will then be invited to take part in the co-development workshops scheduled for May and June. If your time and interest are limited, please select only the few sections you are prepared to answer. In any case, your clicks count!
The results of this survey will be communicated to you by the end of May and will serve as a working basis for the thematic workshops.
How to take part in the survey
To take part in the questionnaire, you have several options:
- Fill it in directly on your phone or from home via this link: Questionnaire - Schéma directeur de la vie étudiante
- Go to office 3.26, where we'll be on duty and computers will be available to help you complete the survey
- Find us in the hall 2, where a stand will be manned regularly by our teams throughout the campaign
Contest: numerous prizes to be won each week
As part of the survey, a contest is being organized from Monday April 4 at 9:00 am to Friday April 22, 2022 at 11:59 pm. Participants must have completed the questionnaire in full to be entered in the draw for a chance to win one of the following prizes:
- 15 booklets of ten tickets for Paris swimming pools : 5 carnets to be won per week
- 15 Fnac Darty gift cards worth 15 euros (fifteen euros): 5 gift cards to be won per week
- 9 hygiene and well-being baskets: 3 baskets to be won per week
- 9 exhibition passesLes Enfants de l'ère Meiji at the Maison de la Culture du Japon in Paris (valid for 2 people, exhibition open until May 21, 2022) : 3 passes will be up for grabs each week
At the end of each week, winners will be drawn the following week from among all those who completed the questionnaire and left their e-mail address according to the dates below:
- First week: from April 4 at 9:00 am to April 10 at 11:59 pm
- Second week: from April 11 at 12:01 am to April 17 at 11:59 pm
- Third week: from April 18 at 12:01 am to April 22 at 11:59 pm
Règlement du jeu-concours #DesClicsUnDéclic (617.69 KB, .pdf)