Cordée de la Réussite "Languages and cultures of the world" closing day

On June 14, Inalco welcomed for the last time some 200 secondary school students from the Ile-de-France and Eure-et-Loir regions, for a day of celebration to close the 2021-2022 edition of the Cordée de la Réussite "Languages and Cultures of the World".
At the program: initiations to world languages (Bulgarian, Korean, Rromani or Hindi to name but a few), speaking workshops or a visit to the exhibition L'aventure Champollion, dans le secret des hiéroglyphes at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. All these activities are an extension of the modules held in the schools throughout the year.
The students then received their certificates of participation at a ceremony in the auditorium, during which Laurent Maheux, vice-president of Inalco, gave the closing address. This moment was enriched by an a cappella performance from Marie Karas-Delcourt, singer and translator, and by cheerleading and Chinese dance choreography from Inalco's associations.
Finally, students continued their cultural world tour with workshops organized by student associations. They were able to try their hand at manga drawing, calligraphy, Chinese dance, traditional Chinese decoupage, Tibetan yoga and much more!
After a well-deserved snack, the students left happy with their day. We hope they will take away fond memories of their participation in the Cordées de la Réussite program.