Conditionals" summer theme school

Event organized by the team Plurality of Languages and Identities: Didactics - Acquisition - Mediations - PLIDAM (Inalco) and supported by the Labex Empirical Foundations of Linguistics - EFL.
Monday 13 to Friday 17 June 2022 - 09.00-18.00 - PLC (Paris 13e) - Auditorium
Inalco (PLC) - 65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris
Participation terms
Fee-paying access
Members of co-financing laboratories (Labex EFL, LLF, Plidam, IJN) as well as CNRS, Inalco and ENS staff are exempt from registration fees.
The number of participants is limited. Registration required, no later than June 6, 2022.
Register for the summer school
Thematic school "Conditional"
Thematic school 2022, follows on from the 2018 edition which resulted in the international publication: Conditionals - Logic, Linguistics and Psychology, Stefan Kaufmann, David Over, Ghanshyam Sharma (eds.). London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
The very fruitful nature of the exchanges held, with in particular the horizon of setting up an international community on this theme, feeding major research projects (data collection in 25 South Asian languages by G. Sharma in preparation for submission of an ANR ORA project), argues for its renewal, all the more so as the typological and diachronic themes, particularly promising and central, had only been touched on a little in the first edition. This new edition will aim to integrate them strongly in relation to the concerns of axes 2 and 3 of Labex EFL. By bringing together the empirical/descriptive, experimental and theoretical dimensions of the study of conditionals, and by bringing together sub-communities that have relatively little contact with each other, this school project fits in perfectly with the philosophy of Labex EFL.
The 2nd edition of the CNRS/LabEx EFL thematic school is devoted exclusively to empirical studies on conditionals. It will simultaneously cover the three main empirical aspects of this field of study, namely: linguistics (with theoretical, formal, descriptive and typological approaches), logic, and psychology (psycholinguistic and experimental linguistic approaches will therefore be represented in the school).
The school's aim is to open up a wide range of topics, such as the choice of verb tenses in hypothetical sentences, the weight of alternatives in the development of reasoning, the study of conditionals in typology / in particular linguistic areas or families, while keeping these topics in a general perspective.
It will offer both basic training and the very latest scientific developments, and is aimed at an audience of doctoral students and established researchers alike.
Scientific Committee
Patrick Caudal (LLF, UMR 7110)
Paul Egré (Institut Jean Nicod - ENS)
Ghanshyam Sharma (PLIDAM-INALCO)
Alda Mari (Institut Jean Nicod - ENS)
Barbara Hemforth (LLF, UMR 7110)
Steve Nicolle (Canada Institute of Linguistics)
Torsten Leuschner (Ghent University)
Daniel Lassiter (Stanford University)
David Over (Durham University)
Karen Lewis (Bernard College, Columbia University)
Stefan Kaufmann (University of Connecticut)
Eduardo Barrio (professor of logic at University of Buenos Aires and researcher at CONICET)