Cité du Genre launches its international conference series

The Cité du Genre (Université de Paris-Inalco-Sciences Po-Sorbonne Paris Nord) is launching a series of international conferences.
Family, reproduction and gender in Japan: what PMA is shaping
Inaugural lecture of the cycle
by TSUGE Azumi, professor of medical anthropology at Meiji gakuin university (Tôkyô)
This lecture will be followed by a discussion around PMA in France and Japan, moderated by Isabelle Konuma (Japanese law, IFRAE/Inalco, president of the Cité du Genre's Scientific and Pedagogical Council), with Mikaël Agopiantz (INSERM U1256 NGERE, head of the Reproductive Medicine Department at Nancy CHRU) and Fabrice Cahen (historian, INED, UR11 and UR4).
Friday, November 19, 2021 - 12pm-2pm - Online via zoom
The lecture will be given in Japanese with French subtitles.
To receive the zoom link, write from November 8:
On December 4, 2020, the first law framing PMA was enacted in Japan. Expected for decades, it nevertheless only confirms the rules relating to maternal and paternal filiation, leaving aside the question of access to origins and the redefinition of family models. Theoretically, only "spouses" have the option of using PMA. This model excludes single women and same-sex couples, suggesting that, in Japan, PMA is a tool for reproduction in the service of a heteronormative, pro-natalist society. The positions of feminist currents need to be analyzed in this socio-political context. Tsuge Azumi's lecture will be followed by a debate with specialists in PMA in France, who will provide insights and points of comparison with historical and practical dimensions.

Famille, reproduction et genre au Japon - Affiche (2.1 MB, .pdf)