Back to school 2023 and Europe department timetables
12 September 2023
The 2023 back-to-school meetings of the Europe department will take place at Inalco (65 rue des Grands-Moulins, Paris 13e) on Tuesday, September 12, 2023.

Contenu central
Department general information meeting: 2:30pm - 4pm in Amphi 3 (compulsory for all L1/DL1/DLC1 registrants)
⇒ Download the Presentation support of the meeting (PDF File).
Meetings by language:
- Albanian: 4:30-6pm in room 4.13
- BCS: 4-5pm in room 4.03
- Bulgarian : 12h30-13h30 in room 4.09
- Estonian : - for face-to-face students: 13h-14h in room 4.08
- for distance students: 19h-20h on Zoom: - Lithuanian: 6pm on Zoom:
- Polish: 4pm-5pm in room 3.05
- Romanian: 4pm-6.30pm in room 4.17
- Slovakian: face-to-face students: 4pm-5pm in room 4.08; distance students: 6pm-7pm on Zoom:
- Ukrainian : 16h-18h in room 3.11
Finnish: 4pm-5:30pm in room 4.05Modern Greek: 4pm-5pm in room 4.10Hungarian: 4pm-5pm in room 4.18
Macedonian: 6-7pm on Zoom:
Courses will start on Monday, September 18, 2023.
You can consult Inalco's timetable at: (tab "promotions", then enter language and year or "Europe civilisation" and level, finally choose tab with week number).