Arab exiles and urban spaces in contemporary literature" study day

3 March 2023

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Day organized by the Arabic section of the University of Lille and the CECILLE / CERMOM laboratories. Tuesday March 7, 2023 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Université de Lille - Campus Pont de Bois - Salle des Colloques - Rue de la Chesnaie, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq.
tableau paysage de campagne avec ciel menaçant
Tableau Les ombres de l'exil de Samih Choukeir (Syrie) © Communication Université de Lille‎
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This conference will focus on the literary expression of Arab exiles in urban spaces. Papers will focus on changes in the relationship between exile and cities. Over the last few decades, these upheavals have had an impact on the methods and content of the writing process. Novels of exile, hitherto largely rooted in autobiography, are now opening up to polyphonies linked to the formation of new identities, often carried in their own languages, and in which the gaze of women, in particular, has something unique about it. Cities will also be apprehended through processes of deconstruction, recomposition and translation, associated with current accounts of the journeys of exile from the Arab worlds.


Marie-Andrée Gouttenoire (Université de Lille - CECILLE)
Nawal Alhalah (Université de Lille - CERMOM, Inalco)