Application campaign for selective bachelor's degree courses

The application campaign for selective bachelor's degree courses for the start of the 2022 academic year is open from May 2 to May 29, 2022. It takes place exclusively online. Visit this page to learn more about admission procedures.
Licences LLCER (Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales) à parcours professionnalisant
Licenses with a professionalization track are accessible after a first year of language study in the regional track and lead to a license with a professionalization orientation.
Licence LLCER parcours Commerce international
The International Trade LLCER bachelor's degree provides students with a general education in economics, marketing, law and accounting, in addition to their language skills and knowledge of one or more associated economic and cultural zones.
The International Trade LLCER bachelor's degree provides students with a general education in economics, marketing, law and accounting, in addition to their language skills and knowledge of one or more associated economic and cultural zones.
Licence LLCER parcours Relations internationales
The International Relations LLCER bachelor's degree provides students with a general education in political science, public law, economics and international relations, in addition to their language skills and knowledge of one or more associated political and cultural areas.
Licence LLCER parcours Communication et formation interculturelle
The LLCER Bachelor's degree in Intercultural Communication introduces students to the main issues and professional specializations linked to the intercultural field (intercultural management and marketing); to the communication sectors of organizations (associations, NGOs, local authorities, companies) in an international and multicultural context; to cultural mediation and cultural project engineering.
Licence LLCER course Didactique des langues du monde et du français langue étrangère (FLE)
The bachelor's degree LLCER Arts, Lettres et Langues - Didactique des Langues du Monde et du FLE (Didactics of World Languages and French as a Foreign Language), combined with the study of an oriental language, introduces students to the issues involved in teaching and learning languages as foreign languages. It will ultimately enable them to teach languages and/or French as foreign languages, both abroad and in France.
Licence LLCER parcours Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL)
The LLCER bachelor's degree course in TAL enables students to acquire, alongside language training, theoretical and practical skills in computer science and linguistics, as well as the practice of tools and methods for organizing and modeling textual data.
Ethnomedicine pathway - Licence LLCER with thematic and disciplinary pathways
Ethnomedicine pathway
The Ethnomedicine pathway is the only one of Inalco's 12 thematic and disciplinary pathways that is accessible by application.
On completion of this health pathway, students are free to continue their training by enrolling in the 6UEs that complete the University Diploma (DU) in Ethnomedicine offered by Inalco.
This course is designed to optimize students' professional skills in the context of their work, whether within NGOs, humanitarian medical action, working with people from immigrant backgrounds (local knowledge) or other non-Western audiences.
School diploma
Inalco's establishment diplomas are all recognized and accredited by the State.
Establishment Diploma in International Trade and Oriental Language (CILO)
The CILO is a professional certificate referenced at level II of the RNCP (Bac + 3 level). It is aimed at people who already hold a bachelor's degree in Oriental languages, excluding the international commerce course. In 1 year, it provides all the knowledge in law, economics and management needed to pursue a Master's degree in international business, or to launch a career change into international business. It is ranked 1st best bachelor (bac + 3) in the International Business category of the Eduniversal Ranking 2021.
best bachelor's degrees, bachelors and grandes écoles in the Eduniversal Ranking 2021.