Alexis Ogor's sociology dissertation, "Studying Arabic at Inalco", receives special mention from the OVE
It also awarded a special mention to the M2 dissertation by Alexis Ogor (Université Paris Cité) on the social and academic trajectories of Arabic students at Inalco. In so doing, it underscored the quality and originality of his research carried out within Inalco's Department of Arabic Studies.

A graduate of the Institut d'études politiques de Rennes and Université Paris Cité, Alexis Ogor is currently an engineering assistant with the Groupement d'intérêt scientifique Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans (CNRS), where he provides statistical support for two programs devoted to Arab and Maghreb studies in France. As part of his Master 2 dissertation, he carried out a survey on the career paths of Arabic language students at Inalco.
His dissertation entitled Studying Arabic at Inalco. Trajectoires sociales et parcours estudiantins was defended on June 14, 2022, under the supervision of Jennifer Bidet (CERLIS, Université Paris Cité).
Political discourse and social science studies on the teaching of Arabic in France generally focus on primary and secondary education, approaching the issue from a migratory angle. But what about teaching the language in higher education? France has a long-standing academic tradition, which has contributed to the training of many "Arabists". So what are the profiles and career paths of these individuals with a university-level command of the Arabic language? This dissertation, based on a survey carried out at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, aims to shed light on the rationale behind the career paths of students in the institution's "Arabic Studies" department. The aim is to study their trajectories in relation to their social background, and their academic and professional orientation.
Consult the full dissertation on the OVE website
Studying Arabic at Inalco. Trajectoires sociales et parcours estudiantins
Since 1990, the OVE has organized its annual national competition to reward research work by Master's and PhD students on student living conditions.