AHFLO' Project Days: challenges, results and prospects, June 14 and 15

4 September 2023
  • Distance learning

  • Training

In 2020, the AHFLO' project (Accompagnement de l'hybridization des formations en langues et civilisations orientales - Supporting the hybridization of training courses in oriental languages and civilizations) was the winner of the "Hybridisation des formations d'enseignement supérieur" call for projects launched by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (Mesri), with the support of the Secrétariat général pour l'investissement (SGPI).

As part of the project's closure, scheduled for the end of August 2023, two days of face-to-face and distance learning were organized at Inalco to present the project's various achievements. This event, open to the public both inside and outside Inalco, was broadcast live for those following remotely.
Journées projets AHFLO' 2023
Journées projets AHFLO' 2023‎
Contenu central

These two days have given the bearers of projects funded by AHFLO' the opportunity to present their achievements, and will enable the assessment, challenges and prospects of hybridization of training in Oriental languages and civilizations.

During these days, the Master 1 students in the Didactique des langues (DDL) track at Inalco exhibited the "scientific" type posters they have produced on the theme "One poster, a thousand words: digital issues in language teaching-learning".

A total of 30 presentations addressed various topics related to digital pedagogy, such as:

  • specific pedagogical scripting,
  • saving an endangered language,
  • reaching new audiences,
  • differences from the all-presentational,
  • unusual graphic or sound resources,

Each time slot, shared by several speakers, was followed by a discussion with the audience (in person and remotely - questions asked via live Webinar chat), supervised by one or more moderators.

The program is accompanied by a brochure detailing the abstracts of the AHFLO' projects that have been presented and available (below).

A poster, a thousand words: digital issues in language teaching-learning

Carte blanche to Master 1 students from Inalco's DDL course

How to combine digital, new technologies, varieties of tools and language learning, exploit their potential or even consider their limits?

These are the questions that Master 1 students in Inalco's Didactics of Languages (DDL) program have answered by producing posters showcasing new technologies conducive to language learning.

These "scientific" type posters tackle sometimes complex subjects and aim to attract attention or facilitate understanding. "A poster, a thousand words: digital challenges in language teaching-learning" illustrates various notions of pedagogy related to the field of language didactics in a pictorial and sometimes innovative way.

Projets Ahflo' : enjeux, bilan et perspectives 2023 - Programme (3.34 MB, .pdf)

Projets AHFLO' : enjeux, bilan et perspectives - Résumés des interventions (498.21 KB, .pdf)

« Projets AHFLO' : enjeux, bilan et perspectives » - Affiche (3.32 MB, .pdf)