Inalco Foundation 2022 Activity Report

Plearly operational in its first financial year, the Inalco Foundation is pleased to publish its first annual report, certified by its auditors.
- Three figures might sum it up:
- 1 million euros raised for philanthropic actions from first-rate donors
- 30 projects in progress supported by prestigious partners
- 4 million euros raised from the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche, as part of the France 2030 program, to finance the human resources that will contribute to the next stage of its development.
These initial results, which are more than encouraging, constitute a first foundation. It is now up to the Foundation to consolidate them on a lasting basis, by expanding the teams capable of ensuring its development and successfully carrying out the portfolio of projects entrusted to it.
On behalf of its Board of Directors, its operational team and the beneficiaries of its projects, the Foundation would once again like to thank the donors and partners who have supported it, as well as Inalco's management, academic and operational teams, who have kindly agreed to form a concert with the Foundation's teams entirely dedicated to the establishment's development.
It is this community of intent that will enable it to move on to the next stage of its development.
Rapport d'activité 2022 - Fondation Inalco (9.53 MB, .pdf)