Activate digital student services

Activate your student digital account
To access all services, you must first activate your student digital account: go to the web address
Enter the personal email address provided when you registered at Inalco and click "Change". You will receive an e-mail with an active link enabling you to (re)initialize your password. Please note: make a note of your user ID, choose your password carefully and remember it well; you'll be asked for it when you log on again.
Please note: Make a note of your user ID and choose your password carefully; they will be requested for your future logins. Your password must be 8 characters long, including at least one number. Your identifier, also known as your login, corresponds to your student code.
Your computer or smartphone must be in the coverage zones:
- Grands Moulins site: amphitheaters, tiered rooms, 2nd to 7th floor corridors
- Site de rue de Lille: lounges and research laboratories on all 3 levels.
To log in, you must have previously activated your student digital account. The network to select is Eduspot. To authenticate, launch a web page. Choose "INALCO - Institut national des langues et Civilisations Orientales" from the drop-down menu. All you have to do is enter your digital account login and password.
ENT: transcripts, timetable...
Each student has an account enabling him or her, after a unique identification, to access anywhere and anytime a set of digital applications, services and tools
related to their course of study. This single portal gives you access to transcripts, timetables and all information concerning your studies.
Moodle: working online
This platform offers a virtual working and exchange environment: course materials and exercises created by your teachers are available. You can work in small groups, hand in your homework or discuss your lessons. The Inalco Moodle platform is available at this address:
Multimedia rooms
Inalco offers its students permanent self-service access to a computer room. The number of places must be strictly respected for safety reasons and for the equipment to function properly. In the computer room - 6.10, you have free access to 19 computers, configured for Windows Seven or Kubuntu (double boot) with the OpenOffice suite. Each PC is equipped with headphones.
Document consultation
This area, on the 6th floor - room 6.02 - , offers you a documentary collection of over 4,500 titles (DVD, VHS) for free consultation. Two librarians are on hand to help you with your bibliographic research. This room is equipped with10 computers. 2 TV sets with K7-DVD players allow you to view the resources in the library and access 20 foreign satellite channels. You can access the Inalco documentary portal on the web:
Guide des usages du numérique étudiant 2015/2016 (3.05 MB, .pdf)
Guide des usages du numérique étudiant 2015/2016