Accelerating philanthropy and continuing education: Inalco wins a 4.1 million euro Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir, to be operated by the Inalco Foundation.

Paris, April 19, 2023
On April 14, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research published the list of winners of the call for projects "Accelerating the development strategies of higher education and research establishments (ASDESR)".
Accelerating philanthropy and continuing education
The Dephi 2030 project led by Inalco, dedicated to accelerating philanthropy and continuing education, for which the Inalco Foundation will be the operator, is among the winners
It will support two related topics: accelerating the Foundation's development and adding an executive education program to the portfolio of activities of the Institute's continuing education department.
Inalco awarded 4.1 million euros from a future investment program
An amount of 4.1 million euros, spread over several years, will finance the team needed to accelerate the Foundation's activities in the field of patronage, and enable it to support Inalco in strengthening professional training through the incubation of an "Executive Education" offering.
Particular attention has been paid to synergies between the two axes of the project. This is illustrated by the Inalco Foundation's role in incubating Exed.
Jean-François Huchet, President of Inalco: "The development of patronage and continuing education are among the priorities of French higher education and research establishments. Inalco had already embarked on this path with the creation of the Inalco Foundation at the end of 2021; this project will give a major boost to its development and the internationalization of its activities. In today's international context, Inalco's academic offering is highly topical; this project will enable us to deploy this expertise through a professional training offering that meets a strong demand."
What is the call for projects "Accelerating the development strategies of higher education and research establishments"?
Changes in higher education and research at international level have led to the development of competition between universities in all countries to attract the best academic profiles, the most competent support staff, the most talented students and the greatest material resources. French institutions are therefore under pressure to keep up with the best international standards in terms of human resources (attractiveness, professionalization), student recruitment and support (scholarships, mobility, etc.) and the environment for research and teaching activities (support services, research equipment and facilities).
The ability of an institution to develop and diversify its sources of funding has therefore become essential to the development of its activities and its influence on the national academic scene, as well as in Europe and the rest of the world. The aim of this unique call for projects is to help higher education and research establishments increase their resources to deploy new projects driven by their staff and teams, thanks to the additional resources thus obtained. It is part of the "France relance" plan.
More information on the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche website, here.