6 projects funded by the D.S.G.

L'Inalco has been awarded funding for 6 of the projects submitted:
DSG 1 (2020-2021) - The first project "Professional insertion: explore, professionalize, enhance"
has been awarded funding of 200,000 euros.
It articulates the seed schemes and actions designed to enhance the quality of preparation for our students' professional integration. These are broken down into three complementary components:
The "explore" component aims to help students gain a better understanding of the professional environments that may be theirs in the future;
The "professionalize" component aims to develop a range of training programs in line with the skills required by the job market;
Enhancing value" involves reaching out to companies to develop Inalco's reputation and image in the professional world.
DSG 2 (2022-2023) - The second "Alternance à l'Inalco"
has secured funding of 150,000 euros.
The aim is to develop sandwich courses in new disciplines and new courses at Inalco, beyond the two curricula currently concerned (Master's degree in "Management and International Trade" and Master's degree in "International Relations"). The creation of a "Pôle de développement de l'alternance" (work-study development center) to coordinate the creation and monitoring of projects to open new work-study programs should enable this formula to be more widely disseminated throughout the institution.
DSG 2 (2021-2023) - The third project "Mapping, documenting, disseminating and promoting Inalco's languages and civilizations"
has been awarded funding of 250,000 euros.
The aim is to increase the accessibility of our data on our languages, civilizations and training courses, from a heritage perspective, in line with Inalco's missions over two phases.
- Phase 1 involves collecting relevant data and making it accessible in digital format. It is based on the IT infrastructure of the Idex/Sesame D-PaRSAS project and targets the following three achievements:
- Mapping and documentation of the 70 to 90 languages taught at Inalco at Licence and Master level on the AOI (Archives Ouvertes de l'Inalco) portal,
- Online access to all Inalco courses devoted to languages and "rare civilizations",
- Access to a multimedia documentary collection (audiovisual, visual, textual) for teaching and promoting research at Inalco on languages and "rare civilizations".
- Based on this mapping, part 2 "Mapping to attract new audiences and better support them" will consist of setting up "digital brochures" as well as an educational contract for student success.
The project aims to produce two tools - "digital brochures" and the "educational contract for student success" - against a backdrop of development and enhancement of Inalco's training courses (development of a digital training offer, renewal and expansion of academic partnerships, opening up to new audiences, particularly high school students and teachers).
DSG 2 (2021-2023) - The fourth project "EUREEA - Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Européenne sur les Etudes Aréales"
has been awarded funding of 150,000 euros.
EUREEA's ambition is to participate in the very rapid renewal that the field of areal studies is undergoing internationally. The project's aim is to provide PhD students working in specific areas or SHS disciplines with epistemological and methodological training in the field of areal studies
This training will provide an important complement to their professionalization.
Inalco will draw on its solid academic and pedagogical legitimacy in the field of areal studies and on the strength of its national and international partnerships to create, firstly, a European doctoral school and, secondly, a Europe-wide master's degree.
- 2022-2025: establishment of a doctoral training program in the field of cultural areas/areal studies on a European scale. It will be held twice a year, in the form of a summer school and a winter school in Europe at one of the eight universities. The courses will draw on the strengths and specific features of each institution. The first edition is scheduled for the end of 2022 at Inalco.Between these winter and summer schools, the doctoral schools of each European institution will set up methodological training in the field (field scholarships for selected students), seminars led by teacher-researchers from the partner European universities.
- 2025-2030: the scheme will open up to non-European partners
European partners : Oxford University, Leiden University, Free University of Berlin, Charles University, Warsaw University, Higher School of Economics University (Moscow and St Petersburg), German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and Inalco (with the possibility of two or three European partners like SOAS, or Orientale of Naples joining the consortium along the way).
L'Inalco will also fully mobilize its national partners such as CNRS, IRD, Université de Paris, Sciences Po, the four GIS aréaux (Africa, Asia, Middle East, Muslim World) as well as the Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs in setting up the training courses.
DSG 2 (2022-2024) - The fifth project "Open LaCAS. Open Archive in Language and Cultural Area Studies. Preserving, Linking and Valorizing scientific data in area studies"
has been awarded funding of 150,000 euros.
The aim is to structure, document and enhance the research on area studies (in particular: non-Western) produced by the players forming the research ecosystem of Inalco and its institutional partners in the ASPC (Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cité). The Open LaCAS project aims to structure and clarify this exceptional scientific expertise, which covers a wide variety of fields of knowledge, such as languages and language families, literature, the arts and world media, religions and world systems of thought, the social and cultural history of the world's regions, bi- and multipolar relations between the world's regions and countries, political economies on different areal scales, institutions and institutional life in the world, multilingual everyday and specialized communication, or the didactics of languages and cultures.
DSG 2 (2022-2024) - The sixth project "Pat-EA. Creation of an international scientific and cultural heritage of Areal Studies"
has been awarded funding of 100,000 euros.
Its aim is to set up a concrete framework facilitating the production, exchange and digital preservation of research focusing in particular on non-Western linguistic and cultural areas. It has two components:
An international academic component dedicated to the creation of a high-level living scientific heritage that contextualizes (historizes), problematizes and documents research on non-Western cultural areas. This heritage - publicly accessible via the LaCAS platform of Inalco/Université Paris Cité - will mainly consist of conferences and round tables on pre-selected themes and areas; as well as "large-format" interviews with renowned researchers.
A scientific and cultural mediation component aimed both at "popularizing" cultural areas at a great distance, and at promoting scientific expertise to a non-academic public. This will include the production and/or support of cultural events that will further enhance Inalco's reputation and standing among non-academic audiences.