2023-2024 admissions campaign - TIM stream

Students are admitted by application. They must demonstrate competence in linguistics and/or computer science. Foreign students must also demonstrate sufficient knowledge of French.
Conditions for admission to the Licence 2 LLCER TAL pathway
The Licence 2 LLCER Automatic Language Processing pathway is accessible on application. Students interested in this course must have completed the first year of a Licence de langue et civilisation orientales, at Inalco or elsewhere.
The application file must be sent via the eCandidat platform and include the following documents:
- application form (downloadable from the eCandidat platform);
- updated CV;
- letter of motivation;
- transcripts of marks for the first semester of the current year;
- transcripts of marks for the baccalauréat ;
- copy of diploma(s) obtained since the baccalauréat (for students who have already completed one or more university courses);
- transcripts of diploma(s) obtained since the baccalauréat
In addition, for foreign students:
- official attestation of level B2 in French;
- sworn translation of documents supplied not written in French or English.
Single session from 02 to 30 May 2023
Conditions for admission to Master 1 TAL
Students wishing to apply for the Master TAL must:
- either hold the Licence LLCER automatic language processing course awarded by Inalco.
- or show proof of a sufficient level in a language taught at Inalco and demonstrate skills in linguistics or computer science.
The application campaign for Master 1 Traitement Automatique des Langues will run from March 22 to April 18, 2023 via the "MonMaster"
The M1 application file includes the supporting documents listed below:
- Identity document (national identity card recto/verso or passport)
- Curriculum vitae in French
- Letter of motivation written in French
- Application form (downloadable from the platform)
- Copy of diploma(s) or attestation of successful Bachelor's degree
- Bachelor's degree transcript (L1/S1, L1/S2, L2/S3, L2/S4 and L3/S5)
- Proof of level C1 in French TCF or DALF (only for foreign students who do not hold a French national diploma)
- For foreign students, sworn translation of transcripts and diploma in French or English
For non-European applicants whose country of residence is covered by the Études en France (EEF) scheme, the application campaign will run from March 22 to April 18 on the eCandidat1 platform: applications.inalco.fr
Master 2
The application campaign for Master 2 Research and Development, Multilingual Engineering and Tetradom will run from March 22 to April 18, 2023 via the eCandidat 2 platform: candidatures2.inalco.fr
The documents to be provided are listed on the platform.