(2022-2023) Linguistic theories and data

Segmental effects in plural formation in Xochistlahuaca Amuzgo
Bien Dobui (UPJV PraLing and SeDyL), Noam Faust (Université Paris 8/ CNRS SFL)
In Amuzgo (Eastern Otomanguean), nominal plural formation presents an impressive range of realizations. Some plurals are formed by the simple addition of a nasal prefix (tɛ→ntɛ 'priest'); in other cases, the first consonant of the singular undergoes occlusivation (se→nʦe 'scar'). In a third group, the initial consonant of the singular is absent from the plural (ʧə̃m̥- → ɲə̃m̥- 'paper'). A fourth group also involves the omission of the initial consonant; however, the prefix is not nasal, but lateral (ʦjo³→ ljo³ 'bottle'); etc. In this presentation, we argue that all the above changes derive from two major principles: (1) the underlying contrast between the two pairs of phonemes characterized by delayed release, namely: anterior /s,ʦ/ and posterior /ʃ,ʧ/, must be maintained; and (2) /s,ʃ/ cannot be faithfully realized after [n]. These principles (in interaction with other considerations) lead to the establishment of a drive chain (/s/→/ʦ/→/t/) in anterior consonants; and to a case of saltation /ʧ→/ʧ/; /ʃ/→/k/ in posterior consonants.
Date: Friday, April 14, 2023 - 14:30 - 17:30
Location: Inalco, Pôle des Langues et des Civilisations, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, salle 3.15