2022-2023 business conference cycle

These events are open to Inalco students and alumni.
Friday April 7 at 5pm - Career opportunities at Toyota Motor Manufacturing France with Nicolas Fayol, Human Resources Director, Toyota France.
Thursday April 13 at 5pm - Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DGSE) with the public relations officer of the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure.
Thursday, April 6 at 5pm - Cursus CNAM : Linguiste expert en géopolitique with Laurent Goetz, deputy operational director of the Cnam Sécurité Défense cluster, Bretagne.
Tuesday, March 21 at 5pm - Volontariat International en Entreprise with Marie-Christine Herve, Campus Manager, V.I.E - Service Talents de Business France.
Thursday, March 16 at 5pm - Career opportunities within the LVMH group with Mélyssa Laverdure, Talent Acquisition Manager and Marie Clavel, Talent Acquisition Specialist.
Tuesday February 21 at 5pm - Career opportunities in European Union institutions and agencies with Sihame Chaudoit, student ambassador for European Careers 2022-2023.
Tuesday January 24 at 5pm - Career opportunities at the Arab World Institute with David Lansade, Director of Human Resources and Legal Affairs at the IMA.
Thursday, December 1 at 5pm - Discovering student entrepreneurship with Pépite CreaJ IDF.
Tuesday, November 15 at 5:30pm - Career and internship prospects at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs with Léa Serrero, communications officer, sector advisor (education, culture, francophonie) at the Délégation aux fonctionnaires internationaux.
Tuesday, October 25 at 5:30pm - Internships / Entrepreneurship / First job / Financing: presentation of the SIO-IP's actions and missions.
Friday October 21 at 9:30 am - Job dating with the International Committee of the Red Cross: recruitment session open to applicants who speak Pashto, Burmese or Kinyarwanda.
Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 5pm - Humanitarian interpreting: working for the International Committee of the Red Cross with Katya Seriekh, Talent Attraction Officer, Roman Vulfovich, Talent Manager, and Elisa Querci, Protection Delegate.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 5:30pm - The diplomatic profession: framework, missions and feedback with Christian Ramage, French ambassador, senior foreign affairs advisor.