2021 Health and Wellness Days

Wellbeing refers to a general state of good health and fulfillment. It encompasses both physical and mental health. These are therefore essential riches, but in a stressful life filled with classes and work, it's sometimes hard to find the time, the means or the right advice to take care of your body.
Studying and getting good results is great, but studying in good shape is even better! That's why the Health and Wellbeing Days are an opportunity to listen to your body and take care of yourself.
This 5th edition will once again take place during Smoke-Free Month, which will be an opportunity for everyone to benefit from numerous tools and tips to help you quit smoking.
With our partners: Nomad's, France Diy, Biody-QI, Mois sans tabac, a sophrologist as well as the BDS Inalco sports association and others are committed to making sure you're well relaxed.e.s and well-informed.
On the program:
- massage sessions
- sport and challenges/competitions
- sophrology (Tuesdays)
- yoga (Tuesdays from 3 to 4 pm: on registration, room 5.21): bring your mat if you have one
- workshops for making hygiene products
- free distributions: menstrual panties and washable sanitary towels, facial care masks, anti-stress balls and Covid-19 self-tests.
Programme Journées santé bien-être 2021 (559.75 KB, .pdf)
Take advantage of these days to relax, share and learn!
Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss a thing! @vie.etudiante.inalco