2021 academic year: Inalco's new diplomas

The institute, with its unique status as the world's only institution teaching over 100 languages and civilizations, offers a rich and internationally recognized range of training courses. At the start of the 2021 academic year, Inalco is expanding its range of courses by offering new diplomas and courses. Some of these courses will be available by distance learning, while others will be face-to-face or bimodal.
Discover what's new at Inalco from September 2021.
The new diplomas
Diplôme d'initiation à l'arabe littéral à distance
Durée : 1 an
Volume horaire : 10h30 de cours hebdomadaires + travail personnel
Crédits : 30 ECTS
A venir (2022-2023) : DLC 1 or licence 1 (further study after the introductory diploma)
Teaching methods: bimodal (details to come)
Assessment methods: to come
Description: this course is aimed at absolute beginners in Arabic as well as "false beginners" who already have a small level of Arabic (equivalent to a LV3 in high school). The introductory year ensures real proficiency in Arabic.
Fee: 680 euros
Applications: from Monday May 17, 2021 to Friday June 25, 2021 on the Ecandidat2 platform.
Diplôme de langue malgache (DL1 et DL2) à distance
Duration: 1 year
Hourly volume: depends on the individual work provided by each student (and their assimilation facilities).
Credits : 30 ECTS
Teaching methods : distance learning
Assessment methods : full continuous assessment. On-line self-administered tests + interactive zoom sessions
Target group : absolute beginners
Description : The language diplomas form a coherent three-year course. Each year of study leads to the award of a diploma: DL 1, DL 2 and DL 3. This course is designed for people wishing to learn Malagasy in depth and acquire a solid knowledge of Madagascar and its culture, without committing to the preparation of a national diploma. To acquire a good command of Malagasy, corresponding to proficiency level C2, it is essential to complete all three years of the course. DL 1 courses are designed for absolute beginners. No prior knowledge of the language is required. Those who already have some knowledge of Malagasy can apply for direct admission to DL 2 or DL 3, depending on their level.
Fee: 315 euros
Applications: from Monday May 17, 2021 to Friday June 25, 2021 on the Ecandidate2
Distance diploma in Modern Hebrew (DL1)
Duration : 1 year
Hourly volume : 7h30 weekly classes + personal work
Credits : 30 ECTS
To come (2022-2023) : DL 2 (second level)
Teaching methods: distance learning
Assessment methods: full continuous assessment (CCI), online self-administered tests, interactive zoom sessions
Target audience: advanced beginners
Description : The first year ensures real competence in Hebrew. It leads to a school diploma (30 ECTS) and enables students who have never studied the language before to reach level A2+ in two semesters. As all courses are offered by distance learning, anyone wishing to enroll must have the necessary equipment (computer and Internet connection), as well as the electronic version of the textbook Barosh vebarishona and the audio files, in order to follow the courses.
Fees: 315 euros
Applications: from Monday May 17, 2021 to Friday June 25, 2021 on the Ecandidate2
Diplôme de civilisation Islamologie - 2 diplômes : DC 1 et DC 2
In collaboration with teachers from Aix-Marseille - Université de Strasbourg - Sorbonne Université - Lyon 3
Durée : 1 year of training per diploma
Timetable: 156h per year; each semester is made up of 4 modules, each lasting 1h30 per week + personal work
Credits : 30 ECTS per diploma
Future: inter-university diploma
Teaching methods: distance learning
Target audience:
- Professionals (army, police, civil service, associative executives)
- Students following another course but wishing for personal or professional reasons to deepen their knowledge of Islam from a civilizational and not just religious point of view.
- Students living abroad and wishing to follow a French curriculum.
- People with an interest, in one capacity or another, in Islam and who wish to enhance the knowledge they have acquired with a diploma.
Assessment methods: continuous assessment or final exam depending on the module
Description : this DU in Islamology is the only one in France to offer initial training in teaching delivered entirely by distance learning. Its aim is to provide training in Islamic religion to a wide audience. The course favors an interdisciplinary pedagogical approach, focusing in particular on: fundamental Islamology, understood as the analysis of texts and doctrines (classical and modern), the historical study of Arab-Muslim societies, and the sociological and political analysis of religious phenomena.
Fees: 315 euros
Applications: from Monday May 17, 2021 to Friday June 25, 2021 on the Ecandidate2
Diplôme de langue et civilisation Paroles, Objets et Cultures d'Océanie (DLC)
in collaboration with the Musée du Quai Branly and the Ecole du Louvre
Duration: 3 years
Timetable: 725 h of courses over 3 years, i.e. an average of 240h per year
Credits: 18 ECTS per semester, i.e. 36 ECTS per year, i.e. 108 ECTS for the full curriculum
Teaching methods: face-to-face. Teaching on 3 sites: Inalco, Ecole du Louvre and Musée du quai Branly. Depending on the year, some of the Inalco courses may be taught in a hybrid format.
Assessment methods: Continuous or final assessment, depending on student profile. In the case of languages, students will be assessed on their written and oral skills in limited-time exams. SHS courses will be validated by documentary dossiers, the subjects of which will have been validated by the teachers. The course taken at the Ecole du Louvre will be validated by the production of a cartel. The Methodology of the object and Objects and museum cultures courses will be validated in CC by practical exercises. Each year, students will prepare an oral presentation of an Oceanic object or work (a dedicated oral in years 1 and 3, a work presented in the course Arts and techniques of Oceania's cultures, in year 2).
This institutional diploma intends to give students a solid knowledge of Oceania integrating teaching dedicated to the region's material culture. To achieve this, it offers 35 courses over three years, representing 725 hours of teaching and 108 ECTS. The diploma combines the teaching of one of the two Oceanic languages taught at Inalco (Tahitian or Drehu) with the study of the histories and cultures of the societies of Oceania approached from the angle of material culture. The DLC is based on Inalco's collaboration with the Ecole du Louvre and the Musée du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac. Each year, the Objects and Museum Cultures course will be held at the Musée du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, enabling students to grasp the issues involved in conserving, acquiring and exhibiting works of art. Each year, too, students will follow the synthesis course of the Arts of Oceania specialization of the Ecole du Louvre which, over three years, will enable them to approach a broad panorama of the artistic and material cultures of the regions making up Oceania.
Rates : 255 euros
Applications : Information on this page.
Master Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales (LLCER) Eurasie/Arménien, parcours "Master international en études arméniennes"
Durée : 2 ans
Volume horaire : 12h30 of weekly classes for the first 3 semesters + personal work + internship and internship report
Credits: 120 ECTS
Teaching methods: teaching in Armenian, accessible entirely by distance (synchronous and asynchronous), or in hybrid mode depending on the course. Course materials, teaching recordings and associated resources are available to students enrolled in each course on Inalco's Moodle platform.
Target audience:
- Young Armenian-speaking professionals
- Armenian-speaking students from Licences in disciplines and specialties related to the program.
- Students who have validated both the Teaching Western Armenian in Diaspora diploma and the DLC4 master-level establishment diploma in Armenian. These students may apply for direct entry into the second year of the Master's program.
Assessment methods: M1 training culminates in a work placement or the completion of a personal or group project, leading to an internship report and defense. The M2 course culminates in the defense of an internship or project report (in Armenian) in the chosen professional field: education, press and publishing, setting up and/or administering cultural projects, humanitarian or social action, etc.).
Description: this professionally-oriented, multidisciplinary training program is a high-level diploma course in Western Armenian in disciplines related to the humanities and cultural and social professions: languages, literature, social sciences, journalism, education, publishing, social work, psychology, theology, etc.
Applications: from April 12 to May 10, 2021. The application campaign is closed.
Licence Accès santé (in collaboration with the University of Paris) in Tamil/Berber
Duration: 3 years
Hourly volume :the first year of the LLCER bachelor's degree at Inalco includes around ten classes per week with an hourly volume of 1h30 to 2h each + personal work
Credits : 180 ECTS
Teaching methods : face-to-face
Target audience: students with a talent for language and a curiosity for the cultural areas where they are spoken, possessing a very strong appetite for scientific disciplines.
Assessment methods: please find the information ICI
Description: the Licence Accès Santé (L.AS) are licenses composed of a major discipline chosen by the student (Law, Language, Biology, Letters...) and a minor "Accès Santé". Inalco, in collaboration with Université de Paris, is offering Health Access Licenses (L.AS) in 17 "oriental" languages, including Tamil and Berber, which will open at the start of the 2021 academic year.
Applications : To apply for an L.AS license, students are invited to make their wishes on the national Parcoursup platform. More information on this page.
New Bachelor's degree courses
As part of the Licence + program:
Parcours Cap Emploi
Duration: 1 year or 2
Teaching methods : face-to-face
Evaluation methods: completion of an internship in France or abroad
Target audience: students enrolled at Inalco at L1 level (primo-arrivants, L1+ or Tempo) and L2 level. It will be open to L3 level students from the start of the 2022 academic year.
Description : this course is an addition to the range of programs designed to help students succeed in Inalco's Licence + program. From the start of the 2021 academic year, it is aimed at students enrolled at L1 and L2 levels, and will be open to L3 students in 2022. The aim is to design and develop a project for the future, discover the professional world and build a network in France and internationally.
Applications: The application campaign takes place exclusively online.
- In L1: 1st application campaign: from July 6 to 16, 2021. Response to applicants at the end of July. If places are still available at the end of this first campaign, a second campaign will take place from August 24 to September 6, 2021. Response to applicants mid-September.
- In L2: from May 25 to June 15, 2021. Response to applicants by the end of July.
As part of the LLCER license - Thematic and disciplinary courses:
Parcours Ethnomédecine
Duration: 2 years (L2 and L3)
Periodicity of teaching: Saturdays at the rate of 5h of classes / week or 7h of classes / week for certain assignments.
Teaching methods : face-to-face
Public : all L2 and L3 students at Inalco.
Description: this pathway enables students to acquire a better understanding of patients' therapeutic itineraries in the fields of anthropology, law and health geography, and to analyze various situations of therapeutic plurality (in the context of humanitarian actions, interventions in Western or non-Western societies, or in which biomedicine coexists with other therapeutic systems). At the end of this health pathway, students will be free to continue their training by enrolling in the 6 UEs that complete the DU in ethnomedicine offered by Inalco.
Applications: extension of the admissions campaign until June 25, 2021, until 12:00 pm (am).
Parcours Philosophies d'ailleurs
Durée : Formation en 1 ou 2 ans (L2 et L3)
Modalités d'enseignement : bimodal
Public ciblé :
- Inalco students (L2 and L3 LLCER ThD license course, in face-to-face teaching)
- philosophy teachers already holding a CAPES or agrégation, or philosophy students wishing to complement their initial course and acquire a "non-Westernist" knowledge of their discipline (in distance learning)
Teaching methods: Teaching will be systematically offered both face-to-face and remote, synchronous and asynchronous, using video capture.
Description: This course offers Inalco students an elementary training in philosophy and a philosophical approach to non-European thought. The common theme is that of the elsewhere in philosophy - with the related question: are philosophies from elsewhere "outside philosophy"? In 1st year, it will offer an approach by authors / by major areal or cultural blocs (China, India, the Jewish world, the Arab-Muslim world) and, in 2nd year, a more thematic approach: "philosophy of religions" and "philosophy, languages and language".
This course is also accessible via the Passeport Langues O': 150 euros.
Applications: from May 25 to June 15, 2021 (inclusive)