2020-2021 doctoral seminar: "Semitic linguistics and language contact in the Mediterranean".
Find below the program of sessions for the year 2020-2021.

This seminar is monthly and takes place on the first Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 7:00 pm.
Since 2014, the "Semitic Linguistics and Language Contact in the Mediterranean" doctoral seminar has brought together Cermom researchers and doctoral students whose object of study is the languages of the ancient and modern Near East. The approach of the participating researchers is multifaceted: theoretical and formal linguistics, descriptive linguistics based on field studies, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, history of grammar. The aim of the seminar is to create a space for exchange that is both flexible and precise, with a dual training and research objective: to circulate knowledge and enrich analyses by bringing together different points of view on a given issue. To achieve its training objective, the seminar generally includes a presentation by a PhD or Master 2 student on his/her research, in addition to a presentation by an established researcher.
The seminar is held monthly.
The seminar is a monthly event lasting two to two and a half hours. It takes place on the first Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 7:00 pm, with special arrangements for certain months. There is no unifying theme. Participating researchers will be able to present their current research.
Our seminar is shared with the Linguistics Master's program, and has been given a code in the new Master's syllabus: ARAA532I.
The seminar is open to all doctoral students.
The seminar is open to any PhD student whose field of study is a Near Eastern language, and to any PhD student in general linguistics. It is also open to M2 students.
- THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5, 2020 distance learning
- BRUNO HERIN (Oriental Arabic / Inalco): Le génitif analytique revisité
- THURSDAY DECEMBER 3, 2020 distanciel
- GEORGINE AYOUB (Literary Arabic / Inalco): Invariance and grammatical category: The values of the marker l(i), l(a) in literary Arabic
- THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4, 2021 distance learning
- NINA VAN KAMPEN (PhD student / Inalco) : Dialectal contact between Lebanese Arabic and Palestinian Arabic in Beirut: elements of description
- SORAYA ABABSA (PhD student / Paris VII-Inalco) :Oral reformulation in Algerian Arabic in comparison with contemporary English
- THURSDAY MARCH 4, 2021 remote
- RADWA FATHI (Postdoc general linguistics / Paris VII): L'apophonie et les dynamiques de changement dans le système verbal de l'arabe égyptien (le parler du Caire)
- JULIEN SIBILEAU (PhD student / Inalco): Tadrīǧ al-luġadans les Ḫaṣāʾiṣ d'Ibn Ǧinnī (d. 392/1002): The march of language, at the whim of usage
- THURSDAY APRIL 1, 2021 remote
- ALESSIA PRIOLETTA (Research Associate / CNRS) : Les inscriptions en thamoudéen de la région de Ḥimā (Arabie saoudite) : description linguistique, analyse comparative et aréale
- MASSINISSA GARAOUN (PhD student / EPHE - LLACAN) : Expressive suffixes of pronominal series in prehilalian Maghrebian Arabic
- MONDAY MAY 10, 2021 remote
- JEAN LOWENSTAMM (General Linguistics / Paris VII): Aspects of verbal vocalization in Arabic from the North Atlantic coast of Morocco
- THURSDAY JUNE 3, 2021 remote at 4:30 pm
- MANEL BOUABIDI (PhD student / Inalco): Alternation codique dans le roman arabe contemporain
- Deena Magnall (Master 2 / inalco): La lingua volgare: linguistic innovations in Maltese from contact with Siculo-Italian
To join the seminar, click here.
Meeting ID: 981 4141 6300
Organizer: Georgine AYOUB
Contact: georgine.ayoub@inalco.fr
Programme_Séminaire doctoral : "Linguistique sémitique contact des langues en Méditerranée"_2020-2021 (152.15 KB, .pdf)