More about us
The purpose of this association is to promote discussion around Marxism from a multidisciplinary point of view. This association is open to all students. Our activities consist of organizing events at Inalco University (debates, screenings, short films, exhibitions, plays...).
Philosophers have only interpreted the world, now it's time to transform it.
Karl Marx
The Russian Revolution of 1917
The Russian Revolution of 1917
Wednesday, February 7, 6:30-9pm in room 3.08
Come and discuss the Russian Revolution with us. In eight months, millions of workers, peasants and soldiers overthrew the Tsarist monarchy (February), then brought the Bolshevik party to power (October). For the first time since the Commune, workers seized power and set about building a socialist society. We'll explain the causes of this revolution, as well as its internal dynamics.
Marxism and ecology
Marxism and ecology
Wednesday, February 28, 6:30-9pm in room 3.08
Contrary to popular belief, Marxists are not indifferent to environmental issues. We will explain from a Marxist point of view the impacts of the capitalist system on the environment.
Fighting women's oppression from a Marxist perspective
Fighting women's oppression from a Marxist perspective
Wednesday, March 20, 6:30-9pm in room 3.08
Women workers bear the heaviest burden of capitalism's crisis. In return, exploited women have often played a revolutionary role. Come and discover a Marxist analysis of these oppressions.