LACNAD publications

The mission of the Langues et Cultures du Nord de l'Afrique et Diasporas host team (EA 4092) is to study the local languages and cultures of North Africa (Berber, Maghrebian Arabic and Judeo-Maghrebian domains), in their original localizations as well as in diasporas, notably in the western Mediterranean and Europe. Its members work in the fields of linguistics, sociolinguistics, literature and culture (cultural anthropology, history, cultural sociology, arts).
Mohand Saïd Lechani, Ecrits berbères en fragments, Méziane Lechani, Kamal Naït-Zerrad (dir.). French-Kabyle bilingual edition, Geuthner, 2024.
Salem Chaker, Diachronie berbère. Linguistique historique et libyque. Presses universitaires de Provence (AMU), collection "Langues et langage", 2024.
Collective publications
Daniela Merolla, Dominique Caubet, Kamal Nait Zerad and Philippe Cassuto (dir.), Les études berbères à l'ère de l'institutionnalisation de tamaziyt. Mélanges en l'honneur de Salem Chaker et Abdellah Bounfour. Paris: l'Harmattan, 2021.
Daniela Merolla, Kamal Naït Zerad and Amar Ameziane (dir.), Les cinémas berbères. De la méconnaissance aux festivals internationaux. Paris: Karthala, 2019.