Inalco publication - November 2018 - February 2019

Just published
- The institutions of love: court, love, marriage - Catherine Capdeville-Zeng & Delphine Ortis (dir.),
The debate still remains open between the position of certain currents in the human sciences (sociology, anthropology...) for whom only the West would know love, and that defended by literary scholars and psychologists, who maintain the opposite.
Between these two tendencies, this book reports on the multiple compromises made by different societies in Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, India) and the Indian Ocean (Madagascar) to navigate between individual expressions of love, inspired by Western practices, and the social norms that strongly control them. Ethnographic surveys of current practices show how these compromises are still expressed in "institutions of love", most often leading to marriage.
- The Trap of Pride (Translation) - Saténig Batwagan Toufanian,
The Trap of Pride, a work by Hakob Chahamirian, is one of the eighteenth-century constitutional projects oriented towards the search for a rational basis for politics and the formation of a state of law. The present study provides access to the Pride Trap in two ways. Firstly, by offering the first French translation of a text hitherto only available in Armenian and, in part, Russian. Secondly, it provides a means of interpreting the Trap, a text that is often enigmatic without knowledge of the culture behind a prose that rarely cites its sources.
- Cyprus: the hopes of community rapprochement - Alexandre Lapierre,
Despite failures at the top, the partition of the island has provoked in each of the two majority communities, Greek and Turkish, a gradual modification of identity logics, setting in motion fragile dynamics of rapprochement, but which are expressed in certain political discourses and above all within civil society.
In this context, initiatives for rapprochement have multiplied through associative movements, cultural and academic exchanges or literary expression, in parallel with political negotiations, particularly in favor of a younger generation. Can public opinion change and play a role? Lost trust can only be regained very slowly. It is a trust that is just beginning to emerge, enabling Cypriots today to build a credible future for themselves, without the intervention of cumbersome "godfathers"
- New energies, autonomous territories? - Gilles Lepesant (dir.)
London, Aberdeen, Malmö, Germany, Japan... so many cases that illustrate the diversity of approaches chosen by local players to play a role in transforming energy systems. Drawing on geography, political science, history, architecture and law, this collective work illustrates the extent to which the liberalization of the energy sector not only in Europe, but also outside Europe, has led to a recomposition of partnerships between local public players, governments and the private sector. While the rise of renewable energies has not (yet?) given a new lease of life to the utopian vision of a totally autonomous habitat or territory, it has opened up a wide range of possibilities for territories.
- The march of Cao Bằng - (Story) Nguyễn Thị Hải
Situated on Vietnam's northern border and endowed with rugged terrain, Cao Bằng province, home of the Tày people, has long been considered a remote, barbaric, unhealthy and potentially dangerous area for Kinh from the delta. To properly administer this frontier zone, the sovereign had to accept the privileges of the native chiefs, while maintaining his own prerogatives such as symbolic elements. But, from 1820 onwards, aiming to integrate this region into the country's official administrative system, Emperor Minh Mạng (1820-1840) carried out a policy to eliminate the power of the border guards. This reform is considered the first, and indeed the most violent, offensive by central power against indigenous chiefs in mountainous areas. This monograph sheds light on the relationship between the monarchy and local powers in Cao Bằng from the origins to the consequences of Minh Mạng's reform, including the political rivalry between local chiefs at the local level. This retrospective study offers a fresh look at the process of integrating the border marches of northern Vietnam and the difficulties encountered by the court of Hué in its management of the frontier regions.
- Les cérémonies du mariage chez les Kel-Ajjer du Sud-Est de l'Algérie - Catherine Vaudour, collection Afrique(S),
Wedding ceremonies are the occasion for a large number of rituals whose observation and description enable us to study the group from the inside, testifying in particular to the place occupied by women. Marriage in Tuareg culture is traditionally very costly for the groom and his family. This situation has given rise to a new practice: group weddings. However, whatever the families and their means, collective marriage has not done away with certain traditions. The presentation of societal mutations shows how a culture adapts to new data, and also points out the points of resistance that maintain tradition.
- The Great Turning Point in Moldovan Society, "Intellectuals" and social capital in the post-socialist transformation. Dorina Rosca, Europe(S) collection
In preparation
- La Grammaire du bambara, Valentin Vydrin, Afrique(S) collection
- Soldats français d'Orient 1915-1918, Francine Saint-Ramond, collection Méditerranée(S)
- Le Façonnement des ancêtres, Sophie Chave-Dartoen & Stéphanie Rolland-Traina, collection Transaire(S)
- Translation and critical edition of Gamal Abdel Nasser's Falsafat al-thawra La Philosophie de la Révolution, Analysis of a Muslim hegelo-Marxist discourse of national liberation struggle Egypt 1953-1956-, Didier Inowlocki, collection Méditerranée(S)
- Le Livre sur les calculs effectués avec des bâtonnets, Un manuscrit du - IIe siècle excavé à Zhangjiashan, Rémi Anicotte, collection Asie(S)
- Grammatical description of basari (oniyan).
Already available:
- no. 22 of Cipango magazine and
- no 82 of Cahiers de littérature orale.
Just published
- "East of Pixar: Russian and Soviet animated film", Slovo n°48-49
- "Industry in the Mediterranean", Cahiers balkaniques no. 45
- "Varia", Mandenkan n° 60
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