Inalco, founding member of the China CoREF project

Benefiting from seed funding from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the China CoREF (knowledge - research, expertise, training) project aims to bring together the strengths of higher education and research to meet the challenge of knowledge of contemporary China on the triple level of research, expertise and training. The ambition is also to give French research on contemporary China an international positioning, with the European level as a prime target. Synergies will also be established with the DECRIPT "Dispositif d'étude des crises et des récits civilisationnels par la pluridisciplinarité et les terrains" project, led by Inalco as part of the ANR's "Programmes de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales" call for expressions of interest, and the platform LaCAS (Open Archive in Language and Cultural Area Studies), co-sponsored by Inalco University and Université Paris Cité in partnership with the Ile-de-France Region and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
The China CoREF project articulates 3 strands - research, expertise, training
- Structure research on contemporary China and house an innovative knowledge tool: a digital platform aimed at creating an archive of the Chinese web and social networks organized for research purposes.
- Link with the political and socio-economic world.
- Train young people and strengthen the pool of researchers.
Adjoined to the CNRS UAR 2999 Études aréales, it has three operating bodies:
- An Executive Committee, made up of four members (see below), whose mission is to implement the various components of the project.
- A Partners' Council, chaired by Jean-François Huchet (Inalco) and Caroline Bodolec (CNRS), bringing together a representative of the presidencies of each of the five other partner institutions: Aix-Marseille Université, EHESS, Sciences Po, Université Paris 1 and Université Paris Cité.
- A Scientific Council, made up of 16 leading figures, including 5 from European countries.
The China CoREF project team
The Executive Committee
- Judith Audin (CNRS/PRODIG)
- Sébastien Colin (Inalco/IFRAE)
- Sylvie Démurger (CNRS/CERGIC)
- Jérôme Doyon (Sciences Po/CERI)
Administrative and financial management and communication
- Richard Aroquiame (Chargé de gestion administrative et financière, CNRS)
- Agnès Vérin (Administrative and financial management assistant, CNRS)
- Federico Zaa (Communications assistant, CNRS)
Interns (May - July 2024)
- Ji An (Inalco)
- Zhilin Jin (Sciences Po)
- Pia de Ladoucette (ENS Paris-Saclay)
- Tanfei Li (Sciences Po)
- Weiqi Zhang (Inalco)