XXV Iranian World Day

Open both to the general public and to academics and students, Iranian World Day is organized every year on the occasion of the Iranian New Year, Nowruz, by CeRMI - Centre de Recherche sur le Monde Iranien, UMR 8041 (CNRS, Sorbonne Nouvelle, INALCO, EPHE). This event is designed to bring together specialists and students in our disciplines, as well as a wider public interested in areal research issues. The day is devoted to presentations by CeRMI members and their guests on current research on the Iranian world.
Intérieur de la coupole
Intérieur de la coupole de la mosquée de Kāshān, Iran , 2021 © Samra Azarnouche‎

This XXVth edition will welcome speakers - members of CeRMI and their guests - representing different disciplinary fields, who will present their new research in social and political sciences, history and art history of the Iranian area.

Free admission subject to availability.

Organization and contact: Justine Landau (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, CeRMI): justine.landau@sorbonne-nouvelle.fr


09:30-10:00: Coffee welcome

10:00: Opening of the day by Maria Szuppe, director of CeRMI


Session 1 (moderator: Justine Landau)

10:30am: Amr Ahmed; Goran's contribution to modern Kurdish poetry

11:00am: Christine Nölle-Karimi; Back to the Future, Forward to the Past: Persophone Literary Modernity

11:30: Pollet Samvelian (in collaboration with Farzaneh Zareie); Le Grand dictionnaire français-persan

12:00-14:00: Lunch break (buffet)


Session 2 (moderator: Samra Azarnouche)

14:00: Alessia Zubani; Monks, emperors and automata: technical exchanges between medieval Iran and China

2:30pm: Florence Somer; The synthesis of ancient astronomical knowledge in the service of Abbasid political astrology: the influence of Barmakid intellectuals

3:00-3:30 pm: Coffee break

Session 3 (moderator: Denis Hermann)

3:30 pm: Charles Ganier; The Ottoman occupation of the regions of Ourmia and Savoudj-Bulaq (1905-1912): the Iranian province of Azerbaijan faced with Ottoman strategic aims

4:00 PM: Martina Massullo; Travel to Afghanistan: the archives of André and Yedda Godard at the Musée du Louvre

4:30 pm: Agnes Korn, Dorian Pastor, Christian Rammer; The revival of simple verbs in Persian: What to think of javâbidan and tamumidan?

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