Ville [polis] A - "The city will follow you": Constantin Cavafy's cosmopolitan Alexandria by Martha Vassiliadi

Conference on the mythical city, cosmopolitan and prosperous, a blend of ethnicities and religions, a world-city drawn on the sands of Africa by Alexander, Alexandria is above all a literary myth.
Photo en noir et blanc d'une ville orientale
Photo d'Alexandrie en 1860-1869, collection Wilhelm Hammerschmidt (1830–1869) © J. Paul Getty Museum‎

The Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) is pleased to invite you to the conference Ville[polis]A: "The city will follow you": Constantin Cavafy's cosmopolitan Alexandria.


Martha Vassiliadi, Senior Lecturer, Aristotle University of Thessalonica/Greece.

A mythical city, cosmopolitan and prosperous, a blend of ethnicities and religions, a world-city drawn on the sands of Africa by Alexander, Alexandria is above all a literary myth. For the Greek poet Constantin Cavafy Alexandria's place of origin transcends its geographical reality to become a mythical space where past and present, desire and memory, intertwine inseparably.


Georges Kostakiotis (CREE, Inalco)