The Vietnamese economy in 2024 and its prospects
Conference organized by the International Trade stream.

The conference will be moderated by:
- Jean-Philippe Eglinger, Associate Professor in the International Trade Department
- Mr. Đào Huy Linh, Director of the Vietnamese section and teacher-researcher at Inalco
Presentation :
- Mr. Lê Văn Cương, Emeritus Research Director at CNRS
- Mr. Nguyễn Văn Phú, Director of Research at CNRS, ECONOMIX, Université Paris Nanterre
Main points covered:
- Overview of the Vietnamese economy, including key figures for 2024.
- Economic analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Vietnamese economy.
- The crucial role of innovation on Vietnam's economic growth.
- Perspectives and economic policy recommendations for Vietnam.
This conference is open to CI students and anyone interested in the Vietnamese economic market.
About the speakers
- Professor Lê Văn Cương is Directeur de Recherche émérite en économie au CNRS, titulaire de la Chaire émérite, Ecole d'Economie de Paris. He is a former Deputy Scientific Director at CNRS, in charge of Economics-Management and Language. Professor Cương is a graduate of the Ecole des Mines de Nancy (1969) and Docteur 3è Cycle en Mathématiques (1978). He has numerous publications to his credit in Mathematical Economics (44 papers); Optimal growth in economics (49 papers); Macroeconomic Modelling (14 papers); Vietnamese economy: 10 papers; Journals: JET, Economic Theory, Econometrica, Journal of Math Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics...
- Dr. Nguyễn. Nguyễn Văn Phú obtained his PhD in economics from Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) in 2003 and his habilitation to direct research (HDR) from Université de Strasbourg in 2013. He is currently Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France and a member of ECONOMIX, a joint research unit of CNRS and the University of Paris Nanterre. Previously, he was a CNRS researcher at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (2004-2008) and at the University of Strasbourg (2009-2020). He is also a member of the Labex IDGM+ program (Clermont-Ferrand, France) and the global Environment for Development Initiative (EfD Vietnam). He has published in interdisciplinary journals (Plos One, The Lancet Public Health, etc.) as well as leading journals in economics (Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Public Economics, Ecological Economics, Review of Development Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, etc.).
In 2015, Dr. Phú was awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal for the best young researcher in France.
His research focuses mainly on energy and environmental economics, agricultural economics, development economics, behavioral economics and applied econometrics.