Université d'été 2024: Pedagogies of plurilingualism - Theoretical framework, innovative practices and creations
The next edition of the summer university organized by the Dulala association, in partnership with Inalco, the Convergences Migration Institute and the Université de Picardie-Jules-Verne, will take place at Inalco in July.

Each summer, the Dulala Summer University welcomes a public of professionals and students who wish to update their knowledge and reflect on new practices in the field of plurilingualism. Conferences, testimonials, round tables and workshops provide food for thought and enable each participant to design a plurilingual education project or practice adapted to his or her own context.
The Dulala Summer University, organized for the 2nd consecutive year in partnership with Inalco, is a unique opportunity to hear from experts, as well as to exchange ideas and meet other professionals from a wide range of backgrounds.