Threat perception and diplomacy. A Japan-Australia comparison

Second session of the “Circulation and political uses of norms in East Asia” seminar series.

Avec :
Kyoko HATAKEYAMA, professeure, Université de Niigata.
Guibourg DELAMOTTE, professeur en science politique, codirectrice du département d'études japonaises, Inalco, codirectrice de l'Axe "Généalogie et trajectoires de l'Asie de l'Est contemporaine", Ifrae, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), université de Tokyo.

This seminar brings together foreign academics and researchers working on political, social and legal norms, whether domestic or international, the term being appreciated for its fluidity. It studies the way in which they are integrated and used, or conveyed, in a state, a region, an international organization, civil society or the international community. The aim, for example, is to understand how international norms become embedded in a domestic legal order, how political and social expectations evolve, and how behavior is shaped in societies. In the opposite direction, the seminar also sheds light on how certain national political practices change international norms when countries like China increase their participation in international organizations. The countries studied are South Korea, China and Japan. The approach is deliberately comparative. Hybrid (face-to-face and online), this research and teaching seminar, to which doctoral students, M and even L students and outside audiences are invited, brings together teachers from various disciplines (history, geography, sociology, political science, law) from Inalco and Lyon 3-Lumière University..

Program « Circulation et usages politiques des normes en Asie de l'Est ».