Second professional round table: Careers and opportunities in cultural cooperation
Among the many career opportunities offered by Inalco's courses are cultural professions: audiovisual, cultural cooperation, publishing, museum, heritage and many others. The Service de l'événementiel et de l'action culturelle is organizing the 5th edition of a series of professional round tables on cultural professions.

In an increasingly interconnected world, cultural diplomacy plays a key role in establishing international dialogues and collaborations. This roundtable, moderated by Inalco alumni from a variety of backgrounds, explores how culture is becoming a strategic tool in international relations.
What are the current issues in cultural diplomacy? How do the linguistic and cultural skills acquired at Inalco prepare for these challenges? Through testimonials and discussions, find out how these former students have applied the skills they acquired at Inalco to meet today's cultural diplomacy challenges.
- Alumnus with a master's degree in Chinese, Christophe Gigaudot has been Delegate for Francophone Affairs at the Directorate of the United Nations, International Organizations, Human Rights and the Francophonie, and the national correspondent near the OIF, since September 1, 2023. He joined the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs in 1999, and has held several positions, in China (attaché for the French language), Japan (director of cultural establishments), Taiwan and Romania (cooperation and cultural action advisor), and Cambodia (director of the Institute). Christophe holds a master's degree in Chinese language and civilization from Inalco, and spent a year studying at the United University of Sichuan (China) in 1994-1995. Her research focused on the Sinicization of Tibet.
- Alumna in international relations in Russian, Aniela Cornet is currently scientific and administrative coordinator of the art history festival. She first worked for the French cultural network in Russia, then at the Mission expertise culturelle internationale at the Ministry of Culture, as well as in the cultural engineering agency, Avesta Group. Aniela holds a double degree in international relations from Inalco (master hautes études internationales, 2016-2018, Russian language) and in cultural management from Université Paris-Dauphine (2019-2020).
- Alumna in Arabic LLCE, Noémi Kahn is currently in charge of cooperation, coproduction and francophonie at the CNC's European and International Affairs department. After completing a M2 in International Affairs at Sciences po Paris and an LLCE in Arabic at Inalco, Noémi Kahn worked in cultural centers and art cinemas in the Middle East: in Lebanon, then in Egypt, where she was also in charge of cultural affairs at the Institut français d'Egypte in Cairo. After a spell with the Cultural Affairs Department of the town of Argenteuil and then the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, she joined the CNC.