Russia's opposition before 2022: a look back in pictures

As part of the Observatoire de la Russie contemporaine, the Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) is pleased to invite you to a screening-debate of the documentary film We are Russia (Russia / USA, 2019-2021).
Une jeune femme au pied d'un immeuble gris, devant une porte marron, tenant une pancarte rouge et un ballon rouge
Détail de l'affiche du film documentaire We are Russia © Alexandra Dalsbaek‎


  • Alexandra Dalsbaek , freelance journalist, director of We are Russia (Production Maria Ibrahimova, Russia / United States, 2019-2021)
  • Paul Gogo, freelance journalist, correspondent in Russia, author of the book Special Operation: Ten years of war between Russia and Ukraine, seen and experienced from the Donbass (2024)
  • Anne Le Huérou, sociologist, lecturer in Slavic studies at Paris Nanterre University, researcher at the Institut des sciences sociales du politique (ISP) and the Centre d'études russes, caucasiennes, est-européennes et centre-asiatiques (CERCEC)


"Milena and Kolya grew up in the shadow of Vladimir Putin. At the call of Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin's main opponent, they embarked on political agitprop in Moscow, braving the regime's repression. Alexandra Dalsbaek followed these young activists, camera in hand, right up to the 2018 presidential election."

Six years and a few months later, the discussion around this documentary film will be an opportunity to look back at the recent history of political opposition in Russia.

Film language: Russian, with English subtitles

The Observatory of Contemporary Russia

The Observatory of Contemporary Russia (co-hosted by Sylvia Chassaing, Laurent Coumel and Julien Vercueil) monitors current events in this country, bringing in specialists in the humanities and social sciences, from literature to economics, via history, geography, political science, sociology, anthropology and linguistics, in a format open to a wide audience: round tables, book presentations, film screenings and debates. It aspires to shed light on contemporary issues linked to conflicts - the war against Ukraine among them - crises and transformations of this state born of the disappearance of the Soviet Union in 1991.
