Recording, managing, conserving and promoting Andean heritage

To mark the European Archaeology Days, Archaïos is organizing a Study Day on Andean heritage on Friday June 14, in collaboration with the Inalco Foundation and the French Institute for Andean Studies (IFEA).
Journée d’étude « Enregistrement, gestion, conservation et mise en valeur du patrimoine andin »
Journée d’étude « Enregistrement, gestion, conservation et mise en valeur du patrimoine andin » © Archaïos‎

This symposium, organized by Romuald Housse (Archaïos - UMR 8096) and Sterenn Le Maguer-Gillon (Archaïos), will bring together international researchers to discuss the protection and enhancement of historical and archaeological heritage in the Andean region.

Programme of talks

  • Aïcha BACHIR BACHA (EHESS, UMR 8168) - Paracas : archeology and society, the program’s contributions Animas Altas, Ica, Pérou
  • Sonia DE ANDREIS (UMR 8096) - "Golden cultures" and terracotta: study and valorization of ceramics as a privileged tool for understanding pre-Hispanic cultures on Colombian territory
  • Estelle PRAET (University of York, British Museum), Sergio DURAN CHACON (UMSA), Christophe DELAERE (ULB) & Romuald HOUSSE (Archaïos, UMR 8096) - Preservar la memoria oral y tangible de las comunidades del altiplano boliviano
  • Peter EECKHOUT (ULB) - Field archaeology and conservation of material heritage at Pachacamac, Peru
  • Alicia ESPINOSA (UMR 8096) and Jefrin ASCENCIO (UNTRM) -A collaborative approach for the protection of the pre-Hispanic and colonial archaeological heritage of the Jequetepeque Valley
  • César ITIER (Inalco, CERLOM) - La philologie des textes quechuas anciens: corpus, state of research, problems and methods
  • Marcela SEPULVEDA (Universidad de Tarapacá, UMR 8096)- Rediscovering and showcasing age-old color expertise
    - Henry TORRES (UPV, CRAterre) - Tierra conformada directamente: pasado y presente de una tradición constructiva del antiguo Perú

Participation also possible by videoconference.