Orange Day
Every November 25 since 1999, UN Women has organized the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls.
At Inalco, this day of support for women victims of violence will take place on Thursday, November 28.
At Inalco, this day of support for women victims of violence will take place on Thursday, November 28.
Orange Day at Inalco
Several actions will be organized at Inalco as part of Orange Day, in the 2nd floor Hall :
- an exhibition by ECVF (elected contre les violences faites aux femmes): "Déconstruire les idées reçues sur les violences faites aux femmes" will be set up
- information stands run by Inalco's harassment referent, the Maison des femmes, the association Dans le genre égales, and by a psychologist specializing in domestic violence.
Two workshops will also be offered:
- Self-defense sessions in the morning, 3 slots to choose from, in the auditorium foyer => register here
- Meeting with the psychologist on the theme "Violences conjugales, échanges, mécanismes et conséquences : comment réagir ? Who to turn to?", 12:15pm to 1:15pm at the First Floor Club => register here
For the occasion, we invite you to wear an orange-colored garment or accessory in support of women victims of violence.