Lexicographical reason

From the beginning of the XVIth century, bilingual dictionaries underwent a vertiginous expansion: several hundred works sought to cover non-European languages. What kind of revolution were these new tools of knowledge in the hands of scholars and diplomats? Are they indicative of the emergence of a social and historical vision of language, or do they pursue an ontological ordering of the world?
Alexandre Surrallés is an anthropologist. Director of studies at the EHESS and director of research at the CNRS, a specialist in Amazonia, he heads the "Affectivité, perception, sensation: le corps agissant" research team at the Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale du Collège de France.
Madalina Vartejanu-Joubert is Professor in the Hebraic and Jewish Studies Department at INALCO, member of the Pluralité des Langues et des Identités : Didactique - Acquisition - Médiations (PLIDAM) laboratory.