The legacy of the Aum affair to Japanese society: 30 years after the Tokyo subway sarin gas attacks
Day program
9am - 9:15am: introductory words
9:15am - 9:45am: Eric Seizelet (UPC, IFRAE): "La secte Aum saisie par le droit"
9:45am - 10am: coffee break
10am - 12pm: Ōta Toshihiro (Saitama University): "The Aum Shinrikyō sect and the fantasy of "brainwashing"
(lecture live from the Maison Franco-Japonaise, in Japanese, with consecutive translation)
12h - 12h30: César Castellvi(UPC, CRCAO): "The Aum affair and media criticism"
12:30 - 2:00 pm: lunch break
14:00 - 14:30 pm: Mary Picone (EHESS, CRJ): "Un regard transversal: méthodes d'enquête de terrain sur les mouvements religieux japonais, incertitudes et difficultés à court et à long terme"
14:30 - 3:00 pm: Arnaud Grivaud(UPC, CRCAO): "The Aum affair: the missed opportunity for the fight against sectarian aberrations in Japan"
3:00 - 3:30 pm: Hugo Trévisan (EHESS, Centre Maurice Halbwachs): "Concrete effects and strategic uses of the "Aum affair" in Japanese evangelical Christianity"
3:30 - 3:45 pm: coffee break
Makiko Andro-Ueda (Inalco, IFRAE): "Jōyū Fumihiro: une personnalité controversée"
<16h15 - 16h45: Édouard L'Hérisson (Inalco, IFRAE): "Matsumoto Rika/Ācharī: Aum Shinrikyō through the prism of an extraordinary life"
16:45 - 17:15: discussion
Organizing committee
Antonin Bechler (U. de Strasbourg / IFRJ), Julien Bouvard (U. Lyon 3 / IETT), César Castellvi (U. Paris Cité / CRCAO), Édouard L'Hérisson (Inalco / IFRAE), Chūjō Chiharu (U. Lyon 3 / IETT) & Muramatsu Kenjirō (U. Lyon 3 / IETT).