"La petite camarade", directed by Moonika Siimets

Seltsimees laps | Estonia | 2018 | 100 min | VOSTF
Inspired by writer Leelo Tungal's autobiographical novel, the film is set in Soviet-ruled Estonia in the early 1950s. It tells the moving story of Leelo, a six-year-old girl whose life is turned upside down when her mother is arrested by the Soviet regime and deported to Siberia. The child tries to understand the upheavals that surround her. Through her innocent eyes, the film explores the traumas of the Stalinist era, the omnipresent fear and the hope. The director skilfully blends the harshness of the historical context with the gentleness of childhood, offering a poignant and deeply human tale. The film has won awards at numerous festivals.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director Moonika Siimets by videoconference and the participation of Katerina Kesa,lecturer in Baltic civilization.