The Kremlin and Olympism. Divergences and convergences between visions and practices of internationalism

The Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) and the Association Française des Russisants (AFR) are pleased to invite you to a conference entitled: "The Kremlin and Olympism. Divergences and convergences between visions and practices of internationalism".
Un lanceur de javelot avec des écritures autour de lui
Affiche de la Spartakiade 1928 © Sergueï Vlassov‎


The Association Française des Russisants (the AFR) is open to all those who, in one capacity or another, learn the Russian language, are interested in Russian culture and civilization past and present. Its aim is to make them better known, and to do so independently.

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