JIOR - Information and Orientation Day 2024

Inalco will be opening its doors on Friday, March 8, 2024 from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm for its Information and Orientation Day: for students already enrolled or future students, this will be a focus on possible orientations at the end of L1 and L3.
Journée d’information et d’orientation 2024
JIOR 2024 © Service REVE‎

This event is therefore aimed in particularat students already enrolled in L1 who need to think about their orientation from L2 onwards, as well as L3 students who are considering continuing their studies at Master's level.

L1 students will be able to discover the regional, bilanguage, professionalizing, thematic and disciplinary pathways open from L2, and L3s, the Master's-level training offer.
Many meetings will be organized to provide students with all the necessary information, and answer their questions.

This is also an opportunity to meet and talk with students from the various courses, and to take part in workshops exclusively offered for their orientation.
This day also marks the start of the Objectif Master scheme, in which various workshops are set up to help students design their project and build their Master's application.

Livret programme JIOR 2024 (492.4 KB, .pdf)


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