Jewish languages in the Mediterranean
- Elisa Carandina, Inalco-CERMOM
- Zeljko Jovanovic, Inalco-CERMOM
- Jonas Sibony, Sorbonne Université-CERMOM
- Wissem Gueddich, EPHE-SAPRAT
- Line Amselem, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
- Carlos Yebra López, University College, London
- Marie-Christine Bornes Varol, Inalco-CERMOM
- Giacomo Corazzol, University of Padua
- Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, IRHT-CNRS, EPHE, University of Oxford
- Claudia Rosenzweig, Bar-Ilan University
- Ingrid Houssaye-Michienzi, CNRS
- Peter Nahon, CNRS
- Julia G. Krivoruchko, University of Cambridge
- Alessandro Guetta, Inalco-CERMOM
Scientific event summary
To come.
- 9:30-9:40
- Opening
Paul Salmona, director of the mahJ
- 9h40-9h45
- Introduction
Elisa Carandina, Inalco-CERMOM
- 9h45-11h15
- First session: Jewish languages in North Africa.
Chaired by Zeljko Jovanovic, Inalco-CERMOM
- 9h45-10h15
- The midrash of King Solomon and the three brothers in Judaeo-Moroccan Arabic
Jonas Sibony, Sorbonne Université
- 10h15-10h45
- Arabic, a Jewish language of scholarship in the early 20th century? A study based on the work of an Egyptian Karaite.
Wissem Gueddich, EPHE-SAPRAT
- 10h45-11h15
- Esther Aflalo's early playlets in ḥaketía or the construction of a theatrical model.
Line Amselem, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
- 11h15-11h45: Pause
- 11h45-12h45
- Session two: The languages of Sephardic Jews in the Ottoman Empire.
Chaired by Carlos Yebra López, University College, London
- 11h45-12h15
- Lexical creation and innovations in Eastern Judeo-Spanish (djudyo/ladino)
Marie-Christine Bornes Varol, Inalco-CERMOM
- 12h15-12h45
- The forms of hope: a text on Beta Israel in Hebrew (15th century) and its translation into Ladino (18th century)
Giacomo Corazzol, University of Padua, and Zeljko Jovanovic, Inalco-CERMOM
- 12h45-14h15 : Break
- 14h15-15h20
- Third session: Projects in progress and book presentations
Chaired by Marie-Christine Bornes Varol, Inalco-CERMOM
- 14h15-14h35
- The Oxford School of Rare Jewish Languages and ILARA (Institut des langues rares)
Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, IRHT-CNRS, EPHE, University of Oxford
- 14h35-14h55
- Presentation of Maria Luisa Mayer Modena's Vena hebraica nel giudeo-italiano. Dizionario dell'elemento ebraico negli idiomi degli Ebrei d'Italia (2022)
Claudia Rosenzweig, Bar-Ilan University
- 14h55-15h15
- The digital revitalization of Ladino in the 21st century
Carlos Yebra López, University College, London
- 15h15-16h35
- Fourth session: Jewish languages of the Christian Mediterranean (1)
Chaired by Elisa Carandina, Inalco-CERMOM
- 15h15-16h05
- Judeo-languages in Majorca at the turn of the fifteenth century according to the documentation of the Datini collection
Ingrid Houssaye-Michienzi, CNRS, and Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, IRHT-CNRS, EPHE, University of Oxford
- 16h05-16h35
- Contemporary survivals of the dialect of Provençal Jews: le dabérage
Peter Nahon, CNRS
- 16h35-16h50: Pause
- 16h50-18h15
- Fifth session: Jewish Languages of the Christian Mediterranean (2)
Chaired by Giacomo Corazzol, University of Padua
- 16h50-17h25
- Late Medieval-Early Modern Judaeo-Greek Biblical Translations and the Language Varieties of Contemporary Greek [paper in English, with abstract in French]
Julia G. Krivoruchko, University of Cambridge
- 17h25-18h15
- Translations from Hebrew into literary Italian and into Yiddish in the early modern period
Alessandro Guetta, Inalco-CERMOM, and Claudia Rosenzweig, Bar-Ilan University