Islam Middle East and Muslim Worlds thesis prize-giving ceremony for 2024
![Visuel Cérémonie de remise des prix de thèse Islam Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans pour l’année 2024](
The Islam, Middle East and Muslim Worlds (IMOMM) Thesis Prizes bring together several prizes awarded to young doctors who have defended their theses in the humanities and social sciences between 2020 and 2022. These theses are at the heart of the most innovative research, in terms of methodology, theory and the use of original sources. They bear witness to the vitality of this field of study and provide a better understanding of societies in the Middle Eastern and Muslim worlds.
These prizes are organized by the Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans (GIS MOMM, UAR2999) and the Institut d'études de l'Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM, UAR2500) and are funded by the CNRS. The theses were selected by a multidisciplinary jury comprising members of GIS MOMM and IISMM, and chaired this year by Éric Vallet (Professor, University of Strasbourg).
The program
2pm - Opening of the ceremony under the honorary presidency of Jean-François Huchet, president of Inalco
2:15pm - Presentation of the GIS Etudes africaines en France thesis prize
Hervé Pennec, director of GIS EAF
GIS EAF awards ceremony
Stéphanie Lima, deputy director of GIS EAF and president of the jury
3pm - Opening of the GIS MOMM and IISMM thesis prize
Frédéric Abécassis, director of GIS MOMM
Philippe Pétriat / Mathieu Terrier, director of IISMM
Remise du Prix Michel Seurat
Chantal Verdeil, Inalco, jury president
3:30pm - Introduction to the Islam, Middle East and Muslim Worlds (IMOMM) thesis prizes
Éric Vallet, University of Strasbourg, jury president
Francophone Thesis Prize, awarded by the AUF Middle East Regional Office, presented by Jean-Noël Baléo, AUF Middle East Regional Director, and Philippe Advani, President of the Fondation Inalco
Middle Eastern Languages and Literature Prize, presented by Rima Sleiman, vice-president of Inalco
Mohammed Arkoun Prize for Theses in Islamology, awarded by the Central Office for Religious Denominations (DLPAJ), presented by Sami Mesouaki, head of the Islam division of the Central Office for Religious Denominations, Ministry of the Interior, and Michel Mortier, President of the CNRS Foundation
4:30pm - Community IMOMM awards
General IMOMM awards, presented by Éric Vallet
GIS MOMM thesis awards, presented by Frédéric Abaissait
IISMM Thesis Prize, presented by Philippe Pétriat / Mathieu Terrier
5:40pm - Closing of the HoREA Doctoral Academy and launch of the HoREA-Maghreb 3D Doctoral Academy
6pm - Cocktail