German-Baltic Estonia and Latvia before and after 1939

The Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) is pleased to invite you to the round table "The German-Baltes of Estonia and Latvia before and after 1939", organized as part of the "Baltic Spaces" seminar.
Photo jaunie de bateaux à vapeur sur un fleuve avec en dehors de la photo des écritures noires
Baltische Briefe, novembre 1950 (n° 25), article, poème et photographie commémorant le départ (Umsiedlung) de 1939 © La contemporaine - Bibliothèque‎


  • Around the book Les Germano-Baltes, Crozon : Éditions Armeline, 2022 :

Yves PLASSERAUD, president of the association Groupement pour les Droits des minorités

Suzanne POURCHIER-PLASSERAUD, independent researcher

Anne SOMMERLAT, lecturer in Germanic Studies at the University of Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens)


  • "From obedience to heroism. German-Baltic narratives of the Second World War against the grain of German memorial culture (1945-1990)"

Lucie LAMY, ATER at Université Paris Cité and associate researcher at Centre Marc Bloch (Berlin)


Discussion: Eric LE BOURHIS (lecturer at Inalco, member of CREE)


Argument to the round table

Germano-Baltes formed the core of the German minorities in Estonia and Latvia before the Second World War. Partly heirs to the aristocratic and economic elites who dominated the region in modern times and up to the First World War, they mostly left their homeland in 1939 to settle in Germany. The publication of the book Les Germano-Baltes (2022) written by Yves Plasseraud and Suzanne Pourchier-Plasseraud, with a preface by Anne Sommerlat, and Lucie Lamy's thesis (2024) on membership of this group since the Second World War, provide an opportunity to highlight recent French-language work on a little-known German minority. The history of this social group since the 19th century, its culture and its memory will be discussed at this round table.

Baltic Spaces seminar

The "Baltic Spaces" seminar is a multidisciplinary seminar (geography, history, political science, literature...) open to all students, researchers and people interested in the transformations of the Baltic region in the broadest sense in the 19th-XXIst centuries.

The Baltic Sea region straddles several cultural areas (Middle Europe, Northern Europe, the Germanic world, the Russian world) that are strongly rooted in humanities research traditions. However, despite the borders (religious, cultural, political, ideological) that have crossed and continue to cross this region, the sea is an obvious factor of contact and rapprochement. The seminar is intended as a forum for discussion of these exchanges, circulations and displacements, and of the shifting borders that divide the region. More generally, it is a meeting place for researchers and young scholars in the humanities and social sciences whose work is rooted in the societies bordering the Baltic Sea (northern Germany, Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, northwest Russia, Sweden).

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