Fifty years of religious history (1975-2025): international perspectives

CERMOM is pleased to invite you to the study day of the Association française d'histoire religieuse contemporaine (AFHRC): Cinquante ans d'histoire religieuse (1975-2025): perspectives internationales, on January 18, 2025.
Ecritures orientales
Ecritures orientales © Inalco‎

On the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, the AFHRC devotes its annual study day to a reflection on developments in religious history since 1975 and the prospects for the future. The study day brings together several leading specialists to take stock of religious history as it is practiced today in France, Europe and beyond.

What are the major historiographical inflections in religious history since 1975? What are the new areas of research? How does religious history interact with other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (sociology, anthropology, art history, etc.)? What collaborations have been established since 1975 that transcend national borders and the religions studied, and how can we continue to energize these links? These are the questions that will guide the différentes interventions.

Founded in 1975 by specialists in Christianity, most of them French, the AFHRC has always been concerned with international collaborations, and curious about the history of other faiths. In order to explore these two orientations, which raise new issues for our field of research, the study day will alternate lectures and round-table discussions that will feature the views of researchers working in several European countries (Italy, Switzerland,Spain) and on different faiths and their followers (Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam).


9am: opening of doors and welcome

9:30am: lecture by Frédéric Gugelot (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne) and Denis Pelletier (École pratique des hautes études): "1975, cinquante ans après, problèmes et chantiers de la recherche en histoire du religieux"


10:30 am: pause


11 am: roundtable "Making religious history in Europe since 1975", with

  • Julio de la Cueva (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

  • Daniele Menozzi (Scuola Normale Superiore)

  • Sarah Scholl (Université de Genève)

  • Moderation: Arthur Hérisson (Centre d'histoire du XIXe siècle)

  • Natalia Núñez-Bargueño (MSCA Fellow, KU Leuven)


12:30 : déjeuner


14h : conférence de Charles Mercier (Université de Bordeaux) et Florian Michel(Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) : " 1975-2025: un tournant global de l'histoire religieuse? "


15h: pause


15h30: roundtable "Judaism, Islam, Buddhism: what historiographical evolutions? ", with

  • Pascal Bourdeaux (École pratique des hautes études) Nadia Malinovich (Université de Picardie-Jules Verne) Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen (Sorbonne Université)

  • Moderation: Charlotte Courreye (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3)

17h : short AFHRC 2025 general meeting

17h30 : verre de l'amitié des cinquante ans de l'association



Chantal Verdeil, AFHRC president Édouard Coquet, general secretary Marie Levant, treasurer and the AFHRC bureau: Charlotte Courreye Michel Fourcade Arthur Hérisson, Natalia Núñez-Bargueño, Mercé Prats, Nina Valbousquet

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With the support of CERMOM and IUF