Facing the "kūdōka" (phenomenon of hollowing out): territorial dynamics in contemporary Japan.
The Japanese notion of kūdōka 空洞化 (hollowing-out phenomenon) is usually employed to designate spaces or activities that face a hollowing-out process as part of social mutations. However, the substance of this notion varies considerably according to historical and social contexts. This study day will be an opportunity to reinterrogate the idea, discourses and representations of kūdōka by revisiting the phenomena and effects, both real and virtual, designated or provoked by this notion, without limiting ourselves to demographic, geographical and economic dimensions, but starting from the premise that these phenomena imply social, cultural or even artistic changes on both a national and international level, as well as territorial dynamics in contemporary Japanese society.
9:30am: Welcome - coffee
10am-10:40am: Kenjirо̄ MURAMATSU (Université Jean Moulin 3/IETT) & Naoko TOKUMITSU (Inalco/IFRAE)
What is a "Kūdо̄ka"? Reflections around "kо̄gaika" (suburbanization)
10:45-11:10am: Clérment DARDENNE (Ritsumaikan University/ Sophia University)
Desertification and saturation of electoral districts: when representative democracy sways at the whim of ballot disparity (online)
11:20-11:45am: César CASTELLVI (Université Paris Cité/ CRCAO)
Japan on the road to media desertification?
11:50-12:15 : Yoshiko SUTО̄ (Nihon University) & Frédéric WEIGEL (Artist)
Machizukuri, "public space" and figure of the foreigner (online)
12:20-12:35 : Discussion moderated by Ioan TRIFU (Tokyo University of Foreign Languages and Civilizations)
Lunch break
14h-14h25 : Anne-Lise MITHOUT (Université Paris Cité/CRCAO)
Labor shortage: a factor of inclusion?
14h30-14h55 : Leila CHAKROUN (Ladyss)
La permaculture au chevet des satoyamas : repupler le vide autrement
15h-15h25 : Sophie BUHNIK (Ecole Supérieure des Professions Immobilières/ESPI2R)
A normalization of the vacant homes market? The role and effectiveness of vacant housing banks (akiya bank) in question (online)
3:30-3:45 pm: Discussion moderated by Pauline CHERRIER (Université Aix-Marseille/Irasia)
4:00-4:30 pm: Round table moderated by Kazuhiko YATABE (Université Paris Cité/IFRAE)
Organizing committee:
BERTHON Alice Université Grenoble Alpes)
MURAMATSU Kenjiro (Université Jean Moulin 3)
TOKUMITSU Naoko (Inalco)