Brokers and Coolies

Intermediation in the organization of migrant labor in the French colonial empire of Asia and the Pacific, from the early 19th to the mid-20th century.
Un cooliebroker vietnamien
Cooliebrokers © Archives de Dunkerque‎

Wednesday October 9, 2024 - Université Paris Cité

Thursday October 10, 2024 - Maison de la Recherche, Inalco

Friday October 11, 2024 - Maison de l'Asie, EFEO


Program for Thursday, October 10, 2024

(Auditorium Dumézil, Maison de la Recherche, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris)

Intermediaries in labor migration: actors and institutions

Chairman/Moderator: Andrew HARDY (Director of Studies, Vietnam History, EFEO)

9:00 VO TRAN Nhat (PhD student, UPCité): The ILO and French Indochina: Expertise, assistance and activism in the service of a teleological labor law
9:30 Frédéric ROUSTAN (Senior Lecturer, Contemporary History, Université Lyon 2): La mobilité des Japonais au Tonkin : Comprendre les chaines migratoires à l'oeuvre
10:00 Yann BENCIVENGO (Senior Lecturer, Contemporary History, University of Polynesia): Les engagés vietnamiens dans la mine en Nouvelle-Calédonie (1891-1946) : parcours et intermédiaires

10:30 --- pause
11:00 Claudy CHENE (PhD student, AMU): Tonkinese and Caledonian trading houses and Catholic missions in the migratory movement of Tonkinese engagés to New Caledonia
11:30 Natasha PAIRAUDEAU (Research Associate, Centre for South Asian Studies, U. Cambridge): Migration financing and financial mediation: European exchange banks, chettiar moneylenders and Muslim moneychangers in colonial Cochinchina
12:00 Gwénael MURPHY (Professor, contemporary history, Université de La Réunion): Ruses and violence in intermediation. Trois procès pour blackbirding à Nouméa (1882-1885)

Présidente/modératrice : Olga ALEXEEVA (UQAM)
14:00 CAO Viet Anh (Chercheuse, Viện Hán Nôm, Hanoi): Vietnamese delegates in the Committee for Assistance to Indochinese Workers during the Great War
14:30 CHEN Fan (PhD student, UPCité): The diplomat-mediator Li Jun: his intervention and protection towards Chinese labor, 1917-1919
15:00 XIAO Yuan (PhD student, UPCité): French missionaries alongside Chinese workers during the Great War (1916-1923)

15:30 --- pause

16:00 Brigitte SABATTINI (Honorary Lecturer, AMU): Indochinese health personnel in France during the First World War, what place in intermediation?

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