2nd Areal Studies Day

The Inalco Foundation is pleased to be a partner of the study day "Arial Studies and Gender Studies: Issues and Challenges", organized by the Arial Studies unit (UAR2999) for the GIS Asie, Études africaines, Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans (MOMM) and Digital Studies - Africa, Asia, Middle East (DISTAM). This year's event is organized by the GIS Institut du Genre, in collaboration with the GIS Institut des Amériques. The aim of the event is to explore the intersections between gender studies and areal studies.
Visuel et illustration Etudes aréales et de genre
Etudes aréales et de genre © Flavie Jeannin, responsable communication MSH Paris Nord / Ana Hunna / Aïcha El Beloui‎

This 2th Areal Studies Day, carried by the Areal Studies unit (UAR2999) for the GIS Asia, African Studies, MOMM and DISTAM, is organized this year with the GIS Institut du Genre, and in collaboration with the GIS Institut des Amériques.

This study day intends to reflect on the intersections between gender studies and areal studies. This research raises specific issues and challenges that deserve examination, in view of the vitality of the work and the questions explored.

What are the specificities of gender studies in areal contexts? What does decentering through foreign fields allow? What approaches, tools and methods are involved? What are the epistemological issues involved? How should we think about our relationship with sources and fieldwork? How can these cross-cutting perspectives help to renew research topics? The day's discussions, which are intended to stimulate further reflection, will be organized around three roundtables bringing together specialists in different areas and in gender studies, established researchers and representatives of young research, who will explore these questions together in three cross-cutting roundtables.

The program

9:30 am ' Welcome coffee

10 am ' Opening by Caroline Bodolec, deputy scientific director of CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales, and the directorates of the GIS Asie, Études africaines, Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans, Institut du Genre and Institut des Amériques

10:30-12:30 'Round Table 1
Epistemological perspectives

Moderated by:

  • Capucine Boidin, Professor of Anthropology, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, CREDA-UMR 7227
  • Marième N'Diaye, CNRS Research Fellow, LAM-UMR 5115 /Sciences Po Bordeaux


  • Emmanuelle David, postdoctoral fellow in political science at the Chair of Excellence African Diasporas and Transculturality (DiANA T.) at LAM-UMR 5115
  • Chiara Calzolaio, PhD in anthropology, ATER at Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
  • Pascale Barthélémy, director of studies, EHESS, Institut des mondes africains UMR 8171

' Lunch : Buffet

13:30-15:30 'Roundtable 2
Sources, fields and methods


  • Emmanuelle Bouilly, university professor in political science, University of Lille, CERAPS-UMR 8026


  • Florence Wenzek, PhD associate at CEPED-UMR 196 laboratory
  • Perrine Lachenal, anthropologist, CNRS research fellow, Centre Norbert Elias- Marseille-UMR 8562
  • Laura Cahier, PhD student in public law, Aix-Marseille Université, CERIC/DICE-UMR 7318
  • Sharie Neira Rios, doctoral student specializing in sociology and gender, Université Paris Cité, attached to the Institut français d'études andines (IFEA)-UMIFRE 17 / UAR 3337

Coffee break

4-6pm 'Round table 3
Renewals of views and research objects


  • Bérénice M. Reynaud, associate researcher in Chinese studies at IETT / EA 4186 and IrASIA-UMR 7306,
  • Raphaëlle Yokota, associate researcher at IFRAE, members of the GIS Asie young researchers' office


  • Gehad Elgendy, PhD student in social and cultural anthropology, University of Bordeaux, Passages-UMR 5319, associated with CEDEJ-Le Caire-UMIFRE/UAR 3123
  • Pierre Guidi, research fellow, IRD, CEPED-UMR 196
  • Coraline Jortay, CNRS research fellow, THALIM-UMR 7172
  • Brenda Masanga Ngum, doctoral student in sociology, Université Paris Cité, Identités Cultures Territoire-UR 337

18h-18h30 'Conclusions