CREE partnerships

The Centre de Recherche Europes-Eurasie is one of the few centers in Europe to combine long-term historical, topical and prospective research on an area as large as Medieval and Balkan Europe, Russia and Central Asia, covering distinct but complementary disciplinary fields: literature, arts, languages, history, society, geopolitics, economics, law, environment.
Collaboration with outside researchers, personalities and experts is one of CREE's priorities: it collaborates with numerous other research centers both within Inalco (Centre d'étude des littératures et oralités du monde - CERLOM) and outside, in France (CERSEC, EHESS, MSH) and abroad.
It has built up multiple networks interacting with the social, economic and cultural environment, including partnerships with foreign embassies in France, foreign cultural institutes in France, Instituts français and Alliances françaises abroad, IFREs and UMIFREs, foreign Academies of Sciences, universities, national research teams and institutes, professional and technical journals.
The national and international visibility, influence and academic attractiveness of CREE can be measured by the number of researchers from French and foreign universities who take part in CREE's colloquia, study days and publications, as well as by the invitations extended to its researchers for scientific events, thesis and HDR juries, and cotutelle theses directed within CREE.